Be Prepared

By Ewan
- 3972 reads
Pay attention, ladies and gentlemen,
this is not the naming of parts,
nor any practical use.
This is duck and cover
for the post-digital age
the dystopic result
of the childish rage
of tyrants.
Post Apocalypse Survivors Kit Mk. 1
There will not be a second version,
when the atomic cloud blacks out the sun.
In the flame-retardant, lead-lined case
each useless item has its place.
The gas mask
is not guaranteed against
every microbe borne
on the nuclear winter's wind.
This blister pack
contains placebos only:
take them, and chance to luck:
they could have been viagra
or anti-histamines.
Your compass will guide
you north, east, west or south,
and all degrees of separation
in between,
but not to safety.
This is duct tape,
sometimes known as duck tape.
It will stick to your fingers
but to nothing useful.
The whistle is useful
for attracting attention,
most of which will
prove unwanted.
In the thermos you may keep
hot drinks warm
and cold drinks cool,
but the water will poison you.
Ah, the rope, the rope.
Let us leave the rope
'til the end of hope.
Meals ready to eat,
MREs in military speak.
You have two packets
due to space limitations.
This watch has no battery
it is not self-winding:
you will have to be
awake, when it stops.
You have a torch
- and batteries.
It is your source of light
at least for a week
of winter nights.
Here is your first aid kit,
you will die of sepsis,
before you find anything
to close your cuts firmly.
The king of knives!
As issued to the Swiss Army
- neutral for centuries.
It has a tool to remove
something from the hoof
of the horse you have eaten.
This is a simple lighter
a zippo, filled with fuel.
While you have it,
you can burn things.
Perhaps wood,
perhaps furniture,
certainly what bridges are left.
Your final item is
the last great invention,
left to mankind.
A clockwork radio
to listen to The Buzzer
on the short wave,
long after the voices
fall silent.
Footnote: The Buzzer
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grrr - I can only read your
grrr - I can only read your teaser if I go to 'new' on the website, but not if I access it from any other link. It doesn't usually matter but yours mostly do.
Anyway - this is perfectly pitched. What a way to go eh - destroyed in a battle between two giant toddlers with personality disorders and bad haircuts
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By coincidence, I was
By coincidence, I was listening to Barry McGuire's 'Eve of Destruction' earlier today (on compilation CD for ageing hippies). It first came out in 1965. About 30 years ago I remember thinking how dated it sounded. And now, it doesn't. Especially that line 'Hate your next door neighbour, but don't forget to say grace'. Bloody sad.
Oh yes, sorry - brilliant poem, Ewan.
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Not the biggest Genesis
Not the biggest Genesis expert, so it's a bit lost on this particular reader. But Zager and Evans - now you're talking.
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This brilliant poem is our
This brilliant poem is our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day
Please share/retweet if you like it too!
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a post-apocalypse watch would
a post-apocalypse watch would be good, but I want a whistle.
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sooner the better
This planet needs a good mass extinction clear out, especially of naked apes. Hopefully the next species to evolve intelligence will actually BE intelligent.
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This is our Poem of the Week
This is our Poem of the Week - Congratulations!
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Where would you find a horse
Where would you find a horse though?
On a program about food stashers lately the presenter asked an expert if he thought there could be a situation in Britain where supermarkets would be empty for weeks, and he said he thought it was very likely, within the next twenty years. And she asked if he had a food stash then, thinking he would. But he said no, because if a country like Britain had got to a state where supermarkets cannot get filled then food was really not going to help
politicians are fiddling while the future burns
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Brilliant work. Brilliant
Brilliant work. Brilliant structure. Very much enjoyed
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Late to this as usual, Ewan.
Late to this as usual, Ewan. Very droll piece. Fittingly so. I'm pushing impending Armageddon to the back of my mind. It bothered me more in the 80s, when it was less likely. Perhaps we deserve it. Interesting Karaoke choice. Only available at closing time.
Parson Thru
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