Home, beauty, and cows
By Nikpal361
- 724 reads
The sensation of calm hit me as I entered the new home my parents just bought. The house is ours, finally! It is so weird to call such a serenity as this, ours. This can't be real. This piece of heaven can not be my family's. But it is and I get to live here eventually!
"MOOO!" cow noises bounced their soundwaves against my ears as I neared the back door. As I opened the door, the noises grew louder. Happy, I felt calm and relaxed. Like I fit in here. I walked onto the gorgeous patio. Barely thinking anything about detail, just observing the bliss beauty, not even thinking about the surrounding environment. The only thought that repeated in my brain was this calm sensation of being surrounded by pure beauty.
I took off in a run across the tree-sprinkled, two acres my family now owns towards the property behind us.
"Moooooooooo." the cows called to the world, not even paying attention to me. They began to form a line. As they walked in their perfect line to the barn, I pondered what could be causing this.
I turned around to find my mother walking over. I turned back to the cows, now in the distance. I gazed around like a new born baby seeing the world for the first time. Woods to the left that I am allowed to explore, even though my family does not own the property and cows forward, I felt satisfied.
The school is smaller. Only 700 some kids. Going from bustling suburbs to this brings me happiness in a purity I have hardly felt before.
My mom asked something about the cows, snapping me out of thought.
"They walked in a perfect line-a perfect line- to the barn!" I squeeled in excitement.
I followed my mom to the woods. We only took a few steps in, but the feeling of beauty felt strong here, as well.
Silence. Nothing you hear in the suburbs.
Smiling, I turned around to find my brother gazing into the distance. My dad slowly walking to my mom, was chirping away in excitement.
I can not believe I am going to call this home soon!
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