Fifteen Chapter 1 (part2)
By Ossy Gobbiner
- 528 reads
“Come on Doris lets catch our breath before the next rush is upon us” The shop was quiet for a brief moment and Nellie loved to chinwag about local gossip, more importantly she loved to chat about “Our Eddy”. “One day Doris I will be the next Mrs Lockwood and all this including Eddy will be mine, I just can’t wait. He feels the same as well you know, he does, it’s just a matter of time, regardless of whether she likes it or not he’s mine”. Nellie would get her own way it was in her nature, she didn’t like to loose and wouldn’t suffer fools. She was also the kindest most giving friend Doris had ever had, Doris knew that whatever the situation her back would always be covered, she had a true friend for life in Nellie, that felt good, a true friend who she could confide in was something that she had never really experienced before. “I’m sure he loves you to Nellie it’s just a difficult situation for both of you, I don’t think I could stand to be so close all day to someone I love and have to hold back from expressing how I felt for chance of offending their mother.” “I hold back Doris not because of her but for Eddy, he can’t stand the grief he gets when he’s back at home, she won’t leave him alone, anyway it won’t be long now before we take the plunge, Eddy has asked me to marry him and I have said yes” “Nellie I am so thrilled for you, don’t worry I won’t say a word, you can trust me to keep it under my hat” They both smiled at each other like mischievous twins they both giggled in harmony at the thought of Mrs Lockwood’s face when she found out. Back to work now as the well-worn shop doorbell sang out, customers started to flurry in again, more hot pies to bring through and a push on the extra hot cross buns was the order of the day.
“Go on Doris you serve this lovely young man, I think he would prefer you taking his order than me” Doris flushed as red as the Jean Harlow lipstick that she loved to wear, set against her pearl black hair it really made her simple beauty shine through, kind or not Doris at that very moment could of killed that Nellie Holden for once again putting her on the spot. The young man in question was Rueben one of the quarrymen from over at Grane quarry; he had only just turned sixteen but was as strong as an Ox, confident outgoing ,Rueben only had one young lady on his mind. Nellie always said he must have been keen, why else would he run the three miles over the tops in his heavy clay laden work boots from Grane quarry to buy a pie from Lockwoods when there were plenty of other bakeries closer by. Even though it was early in the year the sun had already started to deepen Rueben’s skin, like the other “brownbacks” who worked the quarry the sun was as unavoidable as the snow in the very depths of winter, they always said if you stand a brownback in a line with any other working man one quick glance would tell you straight away who was a quarryman amongst them, they had a look about them like no other. “Hello Rueben what can I get for you today” Doris again flushed Harlow red as she spoke to him, Rueben’s spade like hands rested steady on the glass counter, the sleeves of his collarless open necked shirt were rolled up tightly against his upper arms, he smiled considerately at her, his intention was not to make her feel uncomfortable or insecure. Although only a young man Rueben was confident enough to speak with ease at the same time he was attentive and sympathetic enough to not push too hard, his plan was ready to be put into action but only if the moment was right. “Hello Doris, I’ll take a couple of butter pies and three slices of parkin for the lads when I get back, I’ll get a proper ribbing if I don’t bring them something back with me, gaffer is also a bit partial to a piece of Lockwood’s famous parkin, need to keep in his good books for taking some time off when I do the Musbury Dash later in the year.” Rueben was a keen runner he’d won the Musbury Torr mile dash for the last three years; all that running over the tops to see Doris had also helped his chances no end for this year’s race, the Torr race was a great opportunity for him to also impress Doris. “Oh yes and while I’m here I almost forgot to ask” Rueben felt the timing was just right to pop the question to Doris for a date at the Palace later in the week, Bob Hope was starring and Rueben knew she loved Bob, Shirley Ross was the leading lady and Rueben secretly had a crush on her as well. “How do you fancy a night out at the Palace next Wednesday, Bob Hope’s latest film is out and I was hoping you would keep me company Doris” Yet again she lit up like a hearth full of hot coals as bright and as warm as well, Nellie looked on smiling mischievously. “If you don’t take this lovely young man up on his offer Doris I most certainly will, go on Doris don’t keep him waiting.” Doris was fond of Rueben and thrilled that he had asked her out on a date, only problem was she didn’t want to go unaccompanied. “Thanks for asking Rueben, you know I’m a big fan of Bob Hope and I definitely need a night out, only condition is that Nellie comes along with a partner, we can make it a foursome that way, Nellie also gets a much deserved night out as well” Time to get her own back on Nellie Holden for putting her on the spot, now there were two of them glowing at the back of the bakery counter, Nellie stood silenced as red as her hair ,her freckle peppered complexion fully merged to an embarrassingly deep shade of Harlow red, it felt good not being the only one put on the spot. “I’ll take that as a yes then Doris, will sort everything tomorrow with you, got to dash don’t want to be late back you know.”
“There she goes again Doris, Sister Mary Philomena! That woman has a lot to answer for, no wonder she walks on the other side of the street, if she comes near my shop I’ll give her what for, nun or not she’ll get the full tongue lashing from Nellie Holden, can’t stand the sight of that so called woman and everything she stands for. Sister Mary Philomena more like Sister “MP” Military Police!” Doris broke out laughing at the new nickname Nellie had given her. “Sister Military Police, that’s so funny Nellie, don’t let her bother you Nellie, what she did to me and the others at Paddock was a long time ago, to be honest I don’t really think about it too much these days, times were different then and she was only doing what she thought was right, we all turned out alright anyway. Sometimes life isn’t easy but there are many about less fortunate, we were always fed and watered a roof over our heads and the regime of daily prayers and penance at least helped us understand who we were, and as for Sister MP she can’t dictate how I live my life any more, she’s her views and I have mine, let her get on with it” “That’s so forgiving of you Doris can’t say I would let it go so easily, I’d want my revenge!” The whole Sister MP situation was quickly put to one side as William approached the shop.
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young love and sisterhood,
young love and sisterhood, but competition and conflict makes for an interesting read. We''ll need to call the MPs.
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