A Lost Soul

By luigi_pagano
- 1086 reads
The soul leaves the body
with a final goodbye
and floats upwards
towards the night sky.
It will be a rebirth,
a deserved reward
for an unblemished life
on the planet earth.
To Orion and Aries
this spirit rises;
goes through dust clouds,
looking for Paradise.
It is thrown off course
by a gravitational pull
and loses its way
when it reaches the Bull.
The destination is here
or perhaps thereabouts
but hopes of success
are petering out.
There is no indication
of St. Peter at the gate,
an ominous sign
of a terrible fate.
Now the danger looms
of being lost in space
and to disappear
without any trace;
or to transmogrify
into a rotating pulsar,
a wandering star
to be watched from afar.
© Luigi Pagano 2019
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CS Lewis said
CS Lewis said you don't Have a soul, you Are a soul. You have a spirit (as a kind of life force/ energy) and a physical body (flesh) and blood and you have a "heart" and a mind I guess. Thinking then in terms of the commandments: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God ... The soul "You" is then the totality I think i.e it is A Soul.
Is transmorgify an english word what does it mean?
I liked the poem Luigi it is very imaginitive and philosophical and I would say quite well written.
Cheers! It's raining. Good! Tom
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