The Red Death Comes Calling
By jxmartin
- 812 reads
“In your face, Coronavirus.”
Poe’s eerie villain, “The Mask of Red Death” has come calling. We are susceptible to its ravishes, like everyone else on the planet. There is justifiable fear in our midst. Coronavirus is indeed a death threat to some. But like all villains in history, no one counted on the indomitable will of the human spirit, to stepped up and collectively said “in your face, Carona, we will beat you like and old drum until you go away.”
We haven’t cowered in remote castles. We stepped right out in front of the virus, trying our best to protect families, communities and our nation. You don’t see first responders, police and other components of our society, running away from the fire. You see them all suiting up and rushing into the blaze, to help out as best they are able.
You don’t see the medical personnel of our communities shrinking back in fear. They are the first ones on the scene and doing everything their superb training enables them to mitigate the effects of the disease.
And amidst the general public, there is widespread cooperation in all of the necessary methods needed to makes us safe. A generation ago the lynch mobs, with lit torches, would have formed if you tried to cancel a major league sporting event. Closing schools would have created a scream that would be heard in space. Yet today, an understanding public accedes to all of these many measures and more, because they know that “It will help.”
Not since the dark days of WW II, when people went without meat, new clothing, new cars and everything else, has a population been mobilized and willing to help. It does make you proud of your friends, neighbors and fellow citizens that such decency, generosity of spirit and civic mindedness exists all across this great land.
To be sure, there are the knuckle-headed hoarders and price gougers. It will take time and effort to shut them down, but it will happen. For, most of us are a fair-minded lot, that is willing to pitch in when and where they are needed, without thinking first of “what’s in it for them.”
When the forces of evil came calling in another generation, courageous Englishmen stood tall and said defiantly that “We will fight them on the beaches. We will fight them in the fields. We will fight them in the streets. We will never surrender.” So too with the plague. The British People will fight back and never surrender.”
So, pitch in when you can with volunteer efforts or contributions, if you can afford them. Look around you for those who need your help. Make everyone remember their heritage, their traditions and aspirations, many of which are imbedded in British History.
Keep us all safe so that we may protect our own families and communities, and that we may be able, in our own most noble traditions, to search out others on the planet who need our help.
(506 words)
Joseph Xavier Martin
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You express well the innate
You express well the innate decency and sense of duty and community which does still exist in our societies, despite the selfishness which we often seem to be forced into in our over competitive and often false economic creations. Our sharing of information and our education has created understanding in us all. Let us hope everyone can continue to play their part, but I am sure most will do their best.
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