Easter Thoughts
By skinner_jennifer
- 2997 reads
Now! Still the air,
revealing beauty of
maiden petals,
vases in airy rooms,
rose hip kisses
of open buds,
bringing a welcome
to the Easter home.
In garden
primroses flourish
in harmonious
as breath from
mossy bed rises
before early
morning rejoices.
Spring's rumour
of summer's return
whispered on a breeze,
ferns nod with dignity
like gowns hanging
eloquently, vapour
hidden beneath
tentacle of leaves,
but! What of twisted
daffodils dance? Now
they bow to green blades,
relaxed in hypnotic
sleeping trance,
before returning to earth
where to soothe and
nourish is the plan.
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I love your nature poems
I love your nature poems Jenny - there's so much to see at this time of year isn't there.
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The weather's been a great
The weather's been a great blessing with the confinement and to see the transformation that is happening. I like how you look at the lovely moss and graceful ferns, and the daffodil leaves feeding bulbs for next year's show. And all a reminder of Easter being the Paschal season of celebrating eternal life from Jesus' death and resurrection. Rhiannon
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Very pretty picture painted,
Very pretty picture painted, Jenny. Love the breath rising from mossy beds, makes me want to lie down and have a rest on one. :)
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Hi Jenny,
Hi Jenny,
You are good at these nature poems. I found it fittingly evocative and quite uplifting when we need something to raise our spirits!
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I know the birdsong is
I know the birdsong is supposed to be much easier to hear because of the lack of noise pollution - I wonder if ti's the same with insects too?
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This one reminds me of those
This one reminds me of those Pre Raphaelite paintings with the rich greens and twining stems, you have made a very dreamy feeling. I really like :
"returning to earth
where to soothe and
nourish is the plan."
From your comment about bees? I think we have more bumblebees this year too. I don't see why though, cos they wouldn't have time to grow up already would they? Maybe more survived the Winter because it was so mild. I love coming across them in the woods, househunting in the sunshine where I go to escape the house :0)
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Excellent poem
I love the shaped verse, like a vase of flowers or a woman in profile, and the "rose hip/kisses" - beautiful, sweetly clipped phrasing. Lovely work.
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A very vivid horticultural
A very vivid horticultural refection of Easter. I particularly liked the phase: “but! What of twisted daffodils dance? Now they bow to green blades…”
Thank you for sharing this.
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