
By Rhiannonw
- 1973 reads
Easy to be self-righteous, officious,
condemn all who don’t conform
to your view
– bully, scorn,
contempt for discussion,
closed mind
though they be kind
and contrite too
(are they sometimes nicer than you?),
ignore, abhor, discount.
But you praise those who’ll parrot out,
toe-the-line with words so fine,
the slogans spout, shout out,
lift hands to agree with glee,
brave placards wave:
though they spoke all woke,
commitment may be narrow and brief
to uncomfortable work unpraised to bring relief
to the oppressed, distressed,
those harassed by different grief:
deeds show the value of spoken words.
[IP: Judgement]
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Hi Rhiannon,
Hi Rhiannon,
this brings to mind that saying:- Judge not lest ye be judged.
Good idea for the I P.
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I had missed this one, am
I had missed this one, am glad I found it as I like your wise and gentle advice poems////////////////*, something I need to pay attention to!
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yes :0) she leaped over just
yes :0) she leaped over just as I pressed send!
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am sorry, had not noticed
am sorry, had not noticed till you mentioned it. Was practising being tolerant :0) Think she is wanting me to turn the rain off
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A clear and considerate
A clear and considerate argument that ideally fits the I.P. Well done on the cherries.
Luigi x
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It sounds similar
It sounds similar to the spirit of Old Testament prophets speaking Rhiannon, but it's a bit confusing just a little mixed-up who's who and what's what. Maybe I have the context wrong but I do feel this is relevant.
I am currently studying Jeremiah I have a little book, a sort of guide. It is really very interesting I've been at it a while started out with “the minor” prophets and worked through the whole lot.
The Law of Moses is HARD. The Israelites were terribly disobedient, at times God almost destroyed them completely. Almost obliterated his people from the face of the earth. But then I think there is the vows the promises to the forefathers.
Tom Brown
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