A Tailor Bird’s Song To A Spider

By onemorething
- 3676 reads
The words dreams speak
of stolen threads
to needle leaves
to forge a cradle.
Each stitch, a song
of hidden hope,
each song, a question
asked in chant
of leap of darzee faith -
a careful weave of courage.
I am as green as these foothills,
as white as their snow-capped peaks,
my earth for the beetle,
the air for my wings,
and you, a spider for your web.
I will not make music
for the wars and empires
of a mongoose,
there are more languages
than the spoken,
and I would impart them all
to you.
Image is of a tailor bird from wikimedia commons: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Common_tailor_bird_(cropped).jpg
Picture of nest on Twitter:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Common_Tailorbird_(Orthotomus_sutorius)_Nest_in_Hyderabad,_AP_W_IMG_7248.jpg
Also: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PSM_V44_D617_The_tailor_bird_and_its_nest.jpg
Darzee is Hindi for tailor bird, also name of character in Kipling's Jungle Book who sings for a mongoose. However, my song is for the spider.
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Your poem caught my eye
Your poem caught my eye straight away Rachel. Definitely up there with the best ones. I like the hope this little bird sings. Something we all need to hold onto in difficult times.
Thank you for sharing this beauty.
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Very beautiful, Rachel - myth
Very beautiful, Rachel - myth and fairy tale made real. Yes please, we all need the hope.
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"a careful weave of courage"
"a careful weave of courage" is wonderful! Thankyou for putting a link to the photo, too, neater sewing than mine and am not even using grass. Is good to read a hopeful poem from you, hope things better today
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Do you have enough birds now
Do you have enough birds now for a collection? I hope you'll think of submitting them somewhere onemore
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I really hope you do - or
I really hope you do - or even self publish a little pamphlet, like someone who used to use ABCTales? They've all been of such a high standard
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Beautiful and educational -
Beautiful and educational - another gem from Onemorething is ou Facebook and Twitter pick of the day! Do share if you like it too.
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I had to return for a second
I had to return for a second read, this is a delightful piece of work. Truly musical craftsmanship
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