Corona Log entry 10/30/20

By jxmartin
- 1033 reads
Friday, October 30, 2020
It is 84 degrees, cloudy and humid here in SW Florida. We started out our day at the club gym for a workout, and then enjoyed some coffee and conversation on the lanai with regular attendees.
A visit, to the very busy Lee County Tax office, showed everyone in the place wearing masks and social distancing. Ditto for our NY bagel place and the Publix grocery store. Maybe everyone is starting to treat this pandemic as the lethal threat that it is.
Corona infections are skyrocketing in the U.S.. We had over 90,000 new cases one day this week. Death tolls from Corona are at the 231,000 level and climbing. Medical experts are starting to track infection clusters, in a narrow blocs of counties, where Trump’s unmasked rallies were held. It is amazing that the man doesn’t apparently care for the health and well-being of his supporters. Some of those states are reporting an infection rate of 46% of those tested. And Winer isn’t here yet.
The stock market briefly reacted to the bad news, dropping 900 points if one day. Of course, the next day, the speculators rallied and recovered most of the losses.
Halloween is on Saturday, along with the arrival of a Blue and Full moon. That ought to bring out a few crazies. There is humor even in tragedy. A cartoon, in our local paper, featured a young child asking “won’t not wearing a mask be scarier to people than wearing one?” From the mouths of babes come truth.
Sports teams, schools and all manner of gatherings wink in and out as participants catch a covid -19 infection. This won’t change any times soon.
Individual states are now discussing how they will handle distribution of any Covid -9 vaccines that are developed. That is because the Federal Government has so far refused to do so. Apparently, nursing home residents, hospital employees, first responders and all “essential personnel with receive any anecdote in the first phase of distribution. Phase two would be senior citizens and people in special needs categories. After that would come the population as a whole. Some think a process like this could take the better part of a year. And that would be after a vaccine is successfully developed and manufactured. 2021 could well turn out to be the “year in waiting.” Now we know what the men of the U.S.S Indianapolis felt like, in W.W. II, as they waited in the water to be picked up after being torpedoed and their ship sunk. The sharks circled them menacingly picking them off as the men waited anxiously for rescue.
We go about our lives here, practicing good hygiene, wearing masks and hoping for a cure. Mercifully, the Presidential election will be over in four days. People will get a break from all of the turmoil.
(41,907 total words)
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Let's hope the moron's moron
Let's hope the moron's moron falls. Small consolations. But a big step for humanity.
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Thinking of you all over
Thinking of you all over there, for next week. I've just finished reading 'Fire and Fury', Michael Wolff's book about Trump, because I'm endlessly fascinated at the same time as I'm repelled by the phenomenon. I know the book is basically just well-written gossip, but I still found it an engrossing read. Anyway, fingers crossed for you!
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