The Last Elephant

By marandina
- 4899 reads
Forged in bucolic harmonies,
an interdependence born of millennia,
a symbiosis of flora and fauna,
when humanity lived as one,
in a world of unassumed co-existence.
Those halcyon days of innocence now forgotten,
causation and hunger justify an apocalypse,
as sprawling, burgeoning populations
mean concrete replaces trees and grass,
urban jungles of steel and glass.
Poachers steal keratin horns and living ivory,
finless sharks sink below weeping waves,
bourgeoisie tastes demand tiger lives,
magic and potions ground from bones,
ancient incantations cast from animal souls.
The caressing canvass of the Earth,
is ripped, burned and shredded,
Amazonian lungs reduced to ash.
A funeral pyre, a lament of indigenous tribes,
as one final, communal breath is exhaled.
Paymasters fund savannah game reserves,
selling hunting passes priced in blood,
as this terminus of time ticks to a final stand
for the lascivious safari etched in greed,
wordless victims become the hunted last elephant.
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Powerful piece, Paul. :)
Powerful piece, Paul. :)
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As well as greed, and
As well as greed, and carelessness, there also is superstition leading to bad care of the environment then – re the tigers' bones etc. Rhiannon
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I wish some Arab billionaire
I wish some Arab billionaire would buy up every part of the rain forest and order that it never be poached or chopped down, I know I would if I had an endless pot of money. You wisely describe how we're loosing so much to money and greed that's not used wisely. When will humans learn to respect this beautiful planet we're living on and stop destroying.
You've managed to cover every aspect of loss. Influential poem indeed Paul.
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It is such a complicated
It is such a complicated issue, and pushing further and further into the habitats of other species is not the answer to any of our problems. In fact it may make them worse - it facilitates the 'jumping' of diseases to humans from other animals and could lead to more future pandemics. Also we just don't have the right to deny habitats to other species and indeed to other humans whose way of life is radically different from our industrialised one.
Interesting and thought provoking piece, Paul.
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One of the tragedies of the pandemic is the loss in tourism to animal reserves. Foreigners paying to see wildlife was the only reason people saw for keeping those animals alive, and for governemts to pay for rangers to protect against poachers. So while the decrease in carbon emmissions is good, it is not good in other ways. That the Earth has lost almost all elephants to us, that is the elephant in the room
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so many animals. So many
so many animals. So many species (humans apart) going under, as you show
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a very powerful poem - I hope
a very powerful poem - I hope this gets the reads it deserves - thank you!
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Hi Paul
Hi Paul
Again I am amazed and awed by your writing expertese. Such an important subject. Very well done.
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Good poem! You deal with some
Good poem! You deal with some very profound and difficult issues, and express your feelings very well.
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Hi marandina,
Hi marandina,
Your poem is very true and very topical. It is the tragedy of our time.
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A Powerful, chilling truth,
A Powerful, chilling truth, "Amazonian lungs reduced to ash'. You have hit on every cause and sorrow and any who read this should feel effected by these truths. Thinking beings supposedly of higher intelligence, should have an immediate empathy reflex to all the information we have been given and what we have seen and yet, it would seem, greed nullifies all other emotions. Especially, when asked to consider the need for balance and coexistence with nature, most have choosen profit. It’s cruel to know one cannot stop the masses constant destruction, and even crueler to know, there is still a chance to stop this. Those who try, those who change thier lifestyle are exemplary, but still too few. Those who try, those who change their lifestyle are exemplary, but still too few. I do hope everyone on this planet will have that needed epiphany to make a change, and soon.
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Really well done.
That was done really well, quite moving. You definitely have a way with words. I am going back and reading some of your older stuff. I haven't seen much new stuff from you recently. This is really good, Paul.
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