I have 108 stories published in
7 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 92035 times
and 26 of my stories have been cherry picked. 83 of my 430 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 83 votes
Disenchantment: Epilogue Ares awoke. After several decades of sleep, he was free again. Zeus had not taken kindly to the last time he had waged war,...
***** So, you did come back. Two days after Detective Hornblende and I got out of Hell, you did come back. The oceans have started to recede and the...
***** Malbourne wasn’t sure how long he stood by himself, surrounded by the snakes, or black, snake-like creatures. If he had to guess, he might have...
83 of my comments have received 83 Great Feedback votes
1 Vote
Hey Jenny, another great poem
Posted on Tue, 08 Mar 2022
Hey Jenny, another great poem. Congratulations on the cherries. My apologies for not having been on this site and reading your stuff for a time, but I have been busy creating a YouTube channel and am also back at work. Writing is on the...
Hey Paul, great poem. Not sure if it is actually your son, or the speaker of the poem's son, but regardless, hope all is well. My apologies for not having been on the site for a time, but have been busy with other endeavors, and also back at work...
Thank you so much for reading and commenting. It will be over a year, but I do intend to eventually publish it. I will probably just do it on Amazon for cheap. Sending it out to agents is time-consuming and usually proves to be fruitless anyway....
It's good to know that you weren't quite clear on something. The story is in my head, so I know what's going on, of course. However, I guess I didn't make it clear to the reader. Zeus wanted a culling and Hades warned Hornblende and the others...
I had to go a little ways back to find one that I hadn't seen before. Maybe I have just been publishing a little more often that usual these days. Great poem, Jenny. Nice descriptions and eerie feel to this. Congrats on the cherries.
Great poem, Paul. It sounds like an interesting place to visit. I really dig the mystery and magic that was represented in your words very well. Congrats on the cherries.
Hey Jenny, another great poem. Have you ever published any of them? It seems that you have enough to fill up a couple books with. Let me know if you ever do, and it isn't ridiculously expensive. It would be cool to buy it.
Hey Jenny, another great poem
Posted on Tue, 08 Mar 2022
Hey Jenny, another great poem. Congratulations on the cherries. My apologies for not having been on this site and reading your stuff for a time, but I have been busy creating a YouTube channel and am also back at work. Writing is on the...
Read full commentPosted in Up On The Ridgeway
Hey Paul, great poem. Not
Posted on Wed, 02 Mar 2022
Hey Paul, great poem. Not sure if it is actually your son, or the speaker of the poem's son, but regardless, hope all is well. My apologies for not having been on the site for a time, but have been busy with other endeavors, and also back at work...
Read full commentPosted in Messages from Moscow
Thank you so much for reading
Posted on Wed, 26 Jan 2022
Thank you so much for reading and commenting. It will be over a year, but I do intend to eventually publish it. I will probably just do it on Amazon for cheap. Sending it out to agents is time-consuming and usually proves to be fruitless anyway....
Read full commentPosted in Disenchantment Epilogue
It's good to know that you
Posted on Wed, 26 Jan 2022
It's good to know that you weren't quite clear on something. The story is in my head, so I know what's going on, of course. However, I guess I didn't make it clear to the reader. Zeus wanted a culling and Hades warned Hornblende and the others...
Read full commentPosted in Disenchantment Epilogue
Interesting story. Very well
Posted on Tue, 25 Jan 2022
Interesting story. Very well written.
Read full commentPosted in Weightless v2
I had to go a little ways
Posted on Sat, 30 Oct 2021
I had to go a little ways back to find one that I hadn't seen before. Maybe I have just been publishing a little more often that usual these days. Great poem, Jenny. Nice descriptions and eerie feel to this. Congrats on the cherries.
Read full commentPosted in Forest Terror
Great poem, Paul. It sounds
Posted on Mon, 24 Jan 2022
Great poem, Paul. It sounds like an interesting place to visit. I really dig the mystery and magic that was represented in your words very well. Congrats on the cherries.
Read full commentPosted in The Wishing Tree (of Glastonbury Tor)
I think that was quite good
Posted on Thu, 20 Jan 2022
I think that was quite good and realistic. You are able to draw in the reader with concerne for your protagonist. Great job. Congrats on the cherries.
Read full commentPosted in She Cries
Hey Jenny, another great poem
Posted on Tue, 18 Jan 2022
Hey Jenny, another great poem. Have you ever published any of them? It seems that you have enough to fill up a couple books with. Let me know if you ever do, and it isn't ridiculously expensive. It would be cool to buy it.
Read full commentPosted in Burnham Beeches
Some good figurative language
Posted on Tue, 18 Jan 2022
Some good figurative language in there. Nice, going for the Greek mythology stuff too. Well-themed. Congrats on the cherries.
Read full commentPosted in Fading of Legends