point of no return
By Di_Hard
- 1154 reads
Billionaires lobbying to avoid tax increase, while number of middle income taxpayers decreases
Government can't pay education, social care, and health workers enough so vital jobs unfilled
Fossil fuel pruducers say climate change might not be real, so no need to cut emmissions
Insufficient investment in renewable energy means shortfall as fuel needs increase
Resulting in increased coal burning which causes climate change to speed up
Floods and droughts cause crop failure, food shortages cause war
Last forests cut down for biomass and new land for crops
More flood/drought displaced people/refugees
Refugees no longer have human rights
Our grandchildren struggle
Families' futures stop
Mankind ends
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A pretty bleak summation in a
A pretty bleak summation in a cleverly put together poem. I like this format.
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I don't know why I missed
I don't know why I missed this before my op, Di.
The climate pressures do so need to be addressed and the unpopularity of measures accepted, but two things I feel on reading what you say in verse and comment —
1) the whole realm of each of us needing to repair our relationship with our Maker and his Son, and facing our own sins and failings is primary, and wars and hatred blow up to also cause food shortages and unwillngness to share the resources we have world-wide. and
2) God has said clearly, as did Jesus Christ when on earth, that this earth will actually finish at his say-so and time when he will bring a new earth that can't go wrong and no sin there
(and also stories about 450 million years ago are likely to be poppycock as there is no evidence of the earth being so old, though it is desired to enable suggestion of evolution of life by chance which is so impossibly improbable. There is more and more evidence of that impossiblitily sicentifically and of a short itme scale for fossils and rocks.)
These things bring me peace though the folly and individual everyday selfishnesses around us can be so sad and depressing! Rhiannon
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Devastating truths and the
Devastating truths and the format of dwindling the words down, like the silencing of mankind when the destruction we've caused is complete, was profoundly effective. Well deserving of the cherries.
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