It Seems Our Leader Is Unwell

By Ewan
- 4359 reads
It seems our leader is unwell,
though how they know I cannot tell.
He speaks of Moses and Peppa Pig,
and in spite of the hole, he continues to dig.
On losing his page, he begins to bluster
- although any sense he fails to muster -
relying instead on begging forgiveness,
at least it’s a change from flippant glibness.
The man is no jester, just a bladder,
truly there is no sight sadder
than a man promoted beyond his worth,
whose every word breeds bitter mirth.
A liar, a fraud from a travelling show:
in the name of anything - Boris, just go!
[Hear this read here: ]
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Emperor's new clothes
Emperor's new clothes syndrome in action
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Everything is not ok, but at
Everything is not ok, but at least we still have poetry. This is our Pick of the Day. Please share on social media.
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These comments are very
These comments are very unfair, he has probably not got over the jet lag from flying backwards and forwards to the COP to sort out climate change
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What's this, the Labour
What's this, the Labour manifest? I can understand free speech and this is obviously a personal opinion but POD? Sorry, Rachel, I beg to differ.
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Yes, Ewan, I meant manifesto.
Yes, Ewan, I meant manifesto. Sorry for the typo. I can see that it is supposed to be a satire but it comes across as propaganda.
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Luigi, this is a well written
Luigi, this is a well written piece of political satire in the best tradition and I think it fully merits being chosen as Pick of the Day. It's not about a party at all - in fact I am fairly sure at least half the Tory party would heartily agree that the speech was a shambolic ramble from start to finish
I am endlessly grateful to all our editors who give us their time each day to pick their favourite piece - it's not always my favourite, and I can see it's not always yours either, but we are so lucky to have so many different people with different tastes as I'm sure you'll agree
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My criticism is not directed
My criticism is not directed at the editors, Claudine, it's simply my humble opinion of a piece that to me does not read like a well-written, or clever, satire but as a blunt political argument. I have no axe to grind as far as politics are concerned as I am a non-voting foreigner. I am just expressing my dissent at the choice.
Mine must be the first negative feedback. Other readers seem reticent to criticise. It could be that the older I get, the grumpier I become.
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a liar and fraud and never a.
a liar and fraud and never a...well, don't want to turn nasty.
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... emanating from any political/ideological standpoint leaves said performance open to a prod in a free and democratic society, and Ewan delivers a goodly poke in a satirical music-hall/ballad style as would have been tradition for many a century.
ps. The soundcloud link doesn't link :)
L x
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Well done Ewan (and Rachel for the pick)
Regardless of one's political colour, this guy is in the wrong place and should recognise his ineptitude urgently before he does something really dangerous.
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Just listened; love your backing track
Best as ever
L x
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