Spacemen and Heavenly beings
By Tom Brown
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Mythology of ancient civilizations the Egyptians, Greek and Roman, heroes and gods, giants and great warriors of Norsemen and Goths as well as almost all “supernatural” occurrences could plausibly be ascribed to alien actions and activity.
More recently, one of the largest and the oldest an ancient mainstream religion is Hinduism which has very many “gods” and worshipped in the ancient ways as of custom and tradition through history. The deities such as of Hinduism the oldest currently alive religion, perhaps seen and believed in could in fact be images of spacemen and aliens.
And for example as far as Australia, as Asia and far East, North and South America and Africa the folklore of stories and legends told retold through the ages by countless firesides, tribal customs and tradition passed down through generations, where many of the stories too can be explained provided possible existence of aliens in fact many ageless tales are shared.
It means that such things could actually be based on truth.
Flying saucer abductions
Stories of your soul leaving the body and rising during sleep and abducted to a space ship or flying saucer by aliens and where you are experimented on by funny little green men and whatnot and forced into all kinds of strange unnatural sexual acts. These I think are just imagination and dreaming I've had many lucid dreams and there are all kinds.
In the middle ages poor young women told of very similar experiences as today and kidnapped but where it was believed to be demons and the devil. In those dark ages such girls would be guilty of witchcraft and burnt at the stake or drowned as witches. This was clearly quite a serious matter.
In occult known as “astral body travel” as a kind of lucid dreaming and it is completely natural I believe many people have such kinds dreams some time in their life. Personally I am very sceptical even so it is not for me to say. All the same I do know that lucid dreams and even as far as such weird experiences certainly are common. Unfortunately mostly are very unpleasant.
Light shines in the darkness
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
Think of Ezekiel's visions and of wheels on wheels, and the ladder Jacob saw going up to heaven, when he wrestled the angel and there is also the witnessed Ascension events, there are many historic events that may be explained in this manner. Even as far as Jonah and the giant fish. Why not? There is a lot more in fact including most miracles.
Most miracles in the Bible could be feasible in this way and in fact not supernatural. There are many possible instances where no supernatural activity is now needed in order to to understand occurrences and angels demons chariots of fire all of it explained. Use your imagination and many new possibilities open.
Is there intelligent life out there? I wonder if there are other beings, heavenly beings perhaps like angels or so and kings and empires peoples and nations millions of light-years far far away. Or near, for that matter! All things are possible with God. Over rulers, over nations, over stars thousands of light-years away – beyond human contemplations majesty holds perfect sway.
I think of the song Amazing Grace. To Create such a majestic magnificent vast and endless Universe for only us few people here on earth, why then? Well one thing I believe we and our children will colonise and populate our solar system and conquering others in the vicinity then the galaxy and other galaxies. Ever conquering and victorious. A great kingdom of heaven. It is possible it might be the plan. The Earth a mustard seed and stars as the sand of the sea.
One should think much wider, even ideas and descriptions of supernatural accounts and mythological figures like heroes and giants could perhaps literately be astronauts and spacemen, all accounts of heavenly and earthly unknown living bodies and intelligent entities should be investigated. The same, proof and evidence of extra-terrestrial beings, their activities, their historic presence cannot be dealt with so easily just with impunity and contempt.
Jesus, angels and demons too, fallen angels, apostles saints and heavenly beings, spirits prophets wizards and witches and so on, kings and empires and by different names could be the same. Would a rose by any name be sweeter? Although admittedly there are a few instances of Bible stories you cannot explain even in this manner.
Chariots of the gods
The popular pseudo-research of Erich von Däniken would be of interest it is about very advanced alien visits to the Earth in the very far past and to ancient civilisations, foreign astronauts physical beings visited and received as gods from the heavens in the very far past of thousands of years. To be expected his ideas are over-imaginative far-fetched and sensational. He has some way-out theories but he is very convincing and he has more recently made a comeback. His work fell into disrepute in the late 1970s.
The research is at least entertaining it is about extraterrestrial beings in ancient times visiting earth, aliens that are very advanced and having to be of far superior intellect engineering and technology. We too would simply have to trust them. He describes all kinds of things typically including their futuristic space ships suits and helmets and even explaining how they work, also claiming the builders had knowledge of advanced mathematics.
He has loads of evidence like in Egypt, Greece and South America also China and India and in Africa on different continents very similar ideas as synchronised and the same kinds of architecture and built around the same time, so that in the ancient civilizations were built all kinds of structures, pyramids religious monuments temples all of similar appearance, artefacts and art and each together with a primitive form of writing and some known history.
All this happened totally independently and about the same times in history and where there could not have been any exchange of ideas and it would otherwise be impossible for any kind of direct contact. There is further proof that these then must have been built by “astronauts”.
Apart from written history and recorded events and occurrences Von Däniken is the only authority who can actually provide concrete physical evidence. Movies Scifi type of thing. The facts are there but his interpretations and conclusions are considered suspect. However these theories deserve serious consideration his work certainly deserves closer examination.
There are many books about this now, mostly speculation really but his theories are quite convincing. The most famous would be his “Chariots Of the Gods” and he wrote other paperbacks mostly of fantasy in nature. There is a significant following his ideas have been fascinating to the public. There are lots of photos and possible evidence, your movies Scifi type of thing. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Further investigation
Honestly all this cannot simply be dismissed there is an overwhelming body of evidence. It cannot be simply conveniently ignored. We should carefully weigh and consider claimed instances and try to clinically investigate possible evidence from known facts and truths. There are many facts that have to be considered in a critical and objective manner to separate the chaff from wheat. We should carefully weigh and consider claimed instances and clinically investigate possible evidence from known facts and truths.
It could be that this hasn't really been done rigorously before, and that the investigations have not been as academic subject matter. Instead as far as I know study is usually investigated as completely biased one way or the other not open-ended and with some clear and rigid beliefs to begin with. Generally accepted truth is also riddled with hidden assumptions.
Our research perhaps hasn't been done properly in the past, the popular subject matter thus is usually investigated with some preconceived concrete objectives right from the start. There is a lot more material in history and press and publications. The baby shouldn't be thrown out with the bathwater.
This is not the same as “conspiracy” theories and by no means. Are they a danger? I wonder. But it is of little significance, we cannot possibly defend ourselves. They would more probably be friendly or they would have destroyed us long ago. Thus the opposite seems more likely and that they are steering history and for our own good. Let's hope.
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The basis of assumption there
The basis of assumption there must be aliens is that chance has produced the complex life that is on earth, including us, and so, it is then thought, that could happen elsewhere. But statistics and probability would look askance at damaging mutations somehow bringing a leap forward by many many occuring at once and all being together beneficial, and that happening time after time.
The synchrony of developments in different parts of the world is natural if you have a brief time span for mankind spreading out after the great flood and Babel dispersal, and all mankind being created with skills inherent.
To Create such a majestic magnificent vast and endless Universe for only us few people here on earth, why then? If you read Genesis, that is exactly what God said he did, making people to look after his beautiful earth, and have fellowship with himself, ie 'made in his image' able to be his friends and stewards and be his children. The present era it seems is for people to have opportunity to turn back from their mutiny, for the earth will be remade soon without the problems current.
If God is so much beyond our comprehension, is his creating, and his doing simple miracles as Jesus did, so impossible? With him all things are possible, you don't need to imagine extra-terrestials or dreams to do away with them! Rhiannon
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Interesting read. Much food
Interesting read. Much food for thought.
Paul Annon
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