By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 1235 reads
I was in TKMaxx and saw in the reduced food section two packs of tea bags, it had the words in big letters, “Keep Calm and Drink Tea.” I checked the date and it was 2024 and there were forty tea bags in each pack. I checked that the packs were completely sealed and they were. The price for each was £1 a bargain I thought.
My plan was to put them in my little box of dried foods where I keep my long dated tins for the future, not to be touched this year, there just for emergency. I was chuffed with my purchase.
At home, looking again at my two packs of tea, before I put them in my box, I could see smaller writing under the words, tea bags, I went and got my reading glasses so I could see what it said, I couldn’t believe my eyes, as I read the words, Earl Grey.
Oh dear, I tried Earl Grey many years ago, before I got married, and like Camomile, I tried to like them both, but just couldn’t, with Earl Grey, been worse than Camomile. I'm SO glad I noticed that before I put them in my box for the future, for emergency, for even in an emergency, I would not drink it!
A week later, I took it back, and said to the staff of the till, “I have to return this, it is horrible,” She replied, “I have never tasted it,” The other staff next to her said, “It tastes like lemons,” I said to them both, “No, it tastes like dishwasher water.”
She checked to make sure I had not opened it, and gave me my refund. I had had a lucky escape. I wasn’t even tempted to try it again, even after all these years.
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They should have labelled it
They should have labelled it more clearly. However Earl Grey is a pleasant variant from normal tea in my opinion! I am sure it has enabled me to write certain pieces I might not otherwise have written over the years.
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Earl Grey is one of the few
Earl Grey is one of the few things I don't like, but am surprised to find most, or very many people think it a real delicacy and are please to be able to offer it. I think I only tried it once too, and felt convinced it reminded me of moth-balls. Maybe I am too used to my weak 'ordinary' tea! Rhiannon
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I wouldn't choose Earl Grey,
I wouldn't choose Earl Grey, but I can drink it if offered in someone's house. I really don't get on with herbal teas, though. They always taste like slightly rancid water to me. And I've tried all sorts. I think it's because, decades ago, I drank them when I was pregnant with my first child because milk made me throw up. Since then I always associate herbal teas with morning sickness!
I do love my Marmite though!
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I'm a sweet iced tea guy. A
I'm a sweet iced tea guy. A tall glass with lots of ice and I'm in heaven. Light, amusing read. Much obliged.
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