Is There Anybody Up There ? [- 2nd instalment]
By Paul Annon
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Is There Anybody Up There ? [- 2nd instalment]
Recurring Motifs in the UFO Narrative
Men In Black [secretive government agents, or conversely, alien operatives, allegedly despatched to investigate UFO witnesses and intimidate them into silence]
Mutilation of livestock [possibly for purposes of tissue sampling and examination of internal organs]
Crop circles [mysterious, intricate patterns impressed into fields of crops, sometimes suggestive of advanced mathematical theorems or scientific truths, supposedly left by passing UFOs, or somehow created remotely by aliens across the gulf of interstellar space, in an attempt at communication; more likely to be the result of atmospheric vortices or elaborate hoaxes]
Military black ops activity surrounding UFO incidents [attempted interception of UFOs by sometimes unmarked aircraft and retrieval of debris, etc., from UFO crash sites by unidentified military personnel in vehicles devoid of military markings]
Role of Area 51 [high security facility in Nevada long said to harbour recovered alien technology]
Reverse-engineering of alien technology [idea that many advances made by mankind over the last seventy years in the fields of electronics and aerospace engineering, particularly those with military applications, have come from the study and adaptation of acquired alien technology (see Role of Area 51)]
Majestic 12 (MJ-12) [above top secret committee supposedly embedded in the highest levels of US national security since the 1940s, tasked with taking charge of the recovery of downed UFOs and all materials and any "extraterrestrial biological entities" from same; said to have total control over all information regarding such craft, materials and entities and responsibility for its suppression]
Ancient astronaut theory [school of thought within ufology that routinely underestimates the ingenuity of our ancestors by attributing a wide range of historical human achievements to past alien intervention, often on the flimsiest evidence]
Certain ancient earthworks, pyramidal and other monumental structures, as well as geometrical configurations and images etched into landscapes that only make sense when seen from high above, allegedly intended as signposts or landing sites for UFOs or to convey messages to or from extraterrestrials (see ancient astronaut theory)
Face on Mars [chance alignment of geological features on the surface of Mars which, when photographed from a certain angle and elevation, seem to resemble a gigantic humanoid face]
USOs (Unidentified Submerged Objects) [supposedly craft of unknown origin, often seemingly capable of transmedium travel, seen entering, or emerging from, bodies of water, and/or detected moving beneath the waves; sometimes linked in theory to secret undersea bases, and even to Atlantis]
Nazi UFOs [contentious claim that the Nazis developed highly advanced flying machines, possibly equipped with anti-gravity drives; some think this was achieved by adapting technology recovered from the Black Forest UFO crash (see above) or donated by sympathetic aliens; said to be behind such episodes as foo fighter encounters and the Kecksburg incident (see above), at least some of these craft allegedly survived the war, with their pilots, and are still taking off from secret bases, flown by the descendants of those pilots]
Alleged Government UFO Conspiracies
Cover-up of truth regarding UFOs to avoid widespread panic, possibly culminating in serious social disorder or even societal collapse; secret programme(s) for recovering and reverse-engineering UFO technology primarily for military purposes (e.g. at Area 51); complicity in sinister alien agendas; disinformation campaign to secretly manipulate the media, etc., in order to promote belief in flying saucers as a smokescreen for test flights of secret airborne technology such as cutting-edge jet fighters, drones and other more exotic designs.
(Civilian) UFO Groups
APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization); MUFON (Mutual UFO Network); NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena); BUFORA (British UFO Research Association); To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science (TTSA); Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS)
Well Known Contactees and Abductees
George Adamski; Antônio Villas Boas; Betty and Barney Hill; Eduard Albert "Billy" Meier; Raël (Claude Vorilhon); Travis Walton; Whitley Strieber; President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov of Kalmykia
Possible Non-anomalistic Explanations
Misidentified conventional aircraft, artificial satellites, etc.; poorly observed known natural phenomena such as certain atmospheric conditions (eg. cloud formations) or celestial bodies, swarms, ie. multitudes of birds or insects flying in formation, etc.; miscellaneous aerial objects such as weather balloons, sky lanterns; secret and/or experimental aerial vehicles, possibly belonging to hostile foreign powers; unknown or poorly understood natural phenomena such as ball lightning; optical illusions such as mirages; mysterious geophysical forces; equipment failure, instrument malfunction, e.g. photographic or radar glitches; hoaxes, pranks, staged incidents; imagination; fabricated accounts by extreme attention seekers, fantasists, pathological liars; individual and mass hallucinations possibly linked to hysteria; manifestations of the subconscious mind, mental aberrations such as grandiose or bizarre delusions, false memory syndrome; episodes of sleep paralysis, temporal lobe seizures *; "psycho-social" phenomena somehow emanating from inner space or the collective unconscious
* accompanied by hallucinations of different kinds, these may explain a number of alien abduction experiences
Note: some of these explanations may overlap
Counterarguments to the Alien Visitation Hypothesis
i) Fermi Paradox (see above)
ii) Vast distances involved in interstellar travel and the speed limit imposed by general relativity, ie. Einstein's contention that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light
iii) Paucity of anything that might be construed as incontrovertible evidence of alien visitors
iv) Appearance of increasingly sophisticated hoax images and footage with the advent of advanced CGI
v) Multiplicity of alternative explanations (see above)
Although it was not originally my intention, it has been suggested that I should give an opinion as to the reality or otherwise of UFO phenomena. Instead I offer the following observations:
i) The degree of official interest shown over the years behind the scenes is confirmation that UFOs should be and are being taken seriously.
ii) There is a wealth of hard-to-dismiss evidence for UFOs including credible witness testimony and film footage that has stood up to scientific scrutiny; taken together, this shows that unexplained aerial phenomena are real, without necessarily providing a clear indication as to their true nature - they remain largely unidentified.
iii) It seems likely that these are diverse phenomena having more than one explanation.
iv) When asked the wider question "are we alone in the universe?", serious scientists point to, among other things, the fact that we live in a fairly typical galaxy, the Milky Way, which consists of between 100 and 400 billion stars and a similar number of planets, while the observable universe as a whole contains in the region of 200 trillion galaxies; we can all "do the maths" - in such an impossibly vast universe, the conditions that give rise to simple, complex, and even intelligent life must have occurred many times over...
While writing this, I have tried to keep an open mind about the nature and origin of UFOs throughout, even though it is hard not to be slightly dismissive of some of the wilder theories in circulation. To redress any such bias, it should be noted that we inhabit one small corner of a universe of up to eleven physical dimensions * which may be just one among an unlimited number of parallel universes, many with differing natural laws. If so, then the multi-dimensional multiverse arising from this proliferation may, it would seem, accommodate infinite possibilities, and multiple planes of existence that could, perhaps, connect with our own on some level. For myself, I have long believed that, to paraphrase Hamlet, there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophy...
* according to string theory, a leading contender for the universal "theory of everything"; seven of these dimensions are "compactified" beyond our power to perceive them
My thanks to Tom Brown whose questions and remarks in part inspired me to greatly expand the piece I first set out to write.
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I think iv is the best
I think iv is the best arguement. We just don't know it the next best.
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Good!! The printing press
Good!! The printing press, you can't be too ambitious! Once a guy told me "great publishers don't make great authors, great authors make great publishers". Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Still got no Hawking? or what. Share your sentiments.
Good thing you've got going. Cheers! Tom
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Newest, I feel you focus a lot
Newest, I feel you focus a lot on ufo's and the facts it is ok it is not too much, but you neglect other possible instances of extraterrestrial life. On a serious note maybe you should think wider I won't mind you may use my ideas.
As a special story I suggest another shortish instalment but no ufo's. It would be a tricky. Apparently you are dismissing other incidents and unexplainable facts as far as the “supernatural” also I feel you don't give Von Daniken enough credibility let's face it his stories are convincing.
You are right there is a distinct danger of general panic when facts come out. For instance originally there was hysteria on a radio serial on the story “war of the worlds” that gave rise to public panic. It was read in the form of news bulletins. They had to stop it.
Ignorance is bliss.
Excellent “Possible Non-anomalistic Explanations” you give some balance with counter arguments it gives credibility to your work. I'm not sure what “foo” is? And your afterword speculations are more weird than any of it! Way out if I may say.
You did a lot of research well done Paul. The Shakespeare quote is a nice touch.
All the best! Tom Brown
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Newest, OK!
Newest, OK! In my opinion it's a good idea of you to leave out a photo for now at least. The story shouldn't be carried by a picture it should not need justification or attraction. Good.
Best is what I can advise is submit a well polished manuscript rather to a appropriate popular magazine sometimes they have competitions that's a good start. I have not published anything like that only an academic dissertation and a thesis and some academic articles it was a a lot of work. It is not the same kind of thing at all. What you really want is a breakthrough.
Self publication is out. Under no circumstances. Publish on demand that is acceptable. And of course always internet publishing, great idea everybody does it. All recognised professional writers would tell you it is very hard to get published at first, try and try again. Don't be easily discouraged. Myself I don't entertain such ambitions I do it for pleasure and pastime.
It could be a good idea to write in a format as of newspaper articles …
The additional facts you now presented, fascinating reading. USOs to me are a new idea it sounds plausible. You know like the story of Jonah in the Bible. I read about the phenomenon of ball lightning also at school those days, that is totally fascinating actually we don't know what it is.
For some things you might want to refer to your 1st Instalment e.g. for the Fermi Paradox.
Clearly a lot of people take this all very seriously and it's far-fetched, well it is supposed to be! I find your Afterword and Conclusion very intriguing. Exciting! However in my opinion this “theory of everything” business it's all fantasy you can come up with any old thing like in “the hitch hikers guide”.
All the best Paul! Tom
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Serious Inquiry
Paul they just spoke on the radio news about UFOs I don't know the technicalities but very important people currently are demanding an official inquiry on the existence of UFOs and made public findings on possible extraterrestrial presence, activities or visits to Earth. Apparently these days we talk of Unidentified Phenomena it does sound more accurate.
Very prominent people are demanding access to classified information of American military and government secret agencies this is all quite serious, people want to have a clear answer either way. The matter must be settled. Of course there is politics involved as well as the traditional scientific community.
It could be nice for you to keep us up to date? See you! Tom Brown
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Comments on certain ancient earthworks, of monumental surface geometry sounds much like Von Daniken, and even though you yourself are very sceptical. Personally I feel his work does have merit. Also an interesting idea is this supposed face on Mars, very far fetched though unless the facial features are clear and unmistakeable. But then next, is there indeed after all a Man on the Moon?
While observations on certain ancient earthworks and as of monumental surface landscapes sounds much like Von Daniken, although you yourself say you are very sceptical. Personally I feel his work does have merit.
This is all very well Paul but I'd hoped for some newer information on the official formal investigation into existence of extraterrestrial visitors, I certainly am not up to date there wasn't anything more in the news, well not what I know of. Who knows, maybe they want to keep it anycase secret the end. Then why?!
You must keep this thing alive and your enthusiasm, it is good work.
Cheers! Tom Brown
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