Jacques in the Box

By Turlough
- 3534 reads
The collected poems of Roger Casement
The hat she wore for her engagement
All packed away and years before sent
To a hidey hole in a dingy basement
Notes from men in army camps
Upper Volta vintage stamps
Turkish silver nipple clamps
Stuffed birds made into table lamps
Gramophone records, one by Jacques Brel
And Rossini's Overture for William Tell
A shiny pebble, a cockle shell
Letters postmarked Motherwell
A faded dog-eared map of Dorset
A painful looking whalebone corset
With leather straps to reinforce it
And help a lady's silky drawers fit
Recipes torn from magazines
How to cook fresh otters' spleens
Roasted with smilyanski beans
Took Balkan taste buds to extremes
To keep her safe a shiny pistol
Stamped T Page Wood, Gunmaker, Bristol
A whiskey glass of hand cut crystal
Her father's guiding words epistle
A cutting of a lover's locks
In a lacquered Chinese wooden box
They'd met once in a shady copse
He'd left her with a bunch of phlox
Bundles of old photographs
Formal poses, no one laughs
Standing upright like flag staffs
Now sun-bleached sepia epitaphs
Contained within this trunk so vast
Unlocked for me to see at last
These treasures wondrously amassed
Reveal a woman's amazing past
I wish that I had known her then
In a different time, an era when
The entire world revolved for men
I wish she could live her life again
Every image I use is from a photograph I have taken myself.
On this occasion – My mysterious woman’s trunk of treasures. Actually it’s where we keep all our spare bedlinen and towels.
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'My mysterious woman’s trunk
'My mysterious woman’s trunk of treasures. Actually it’s where we keep all our spare bedlinen and towels'. - NO don't spoil it for us!!!
What a wonderful collection of treasures you've thought up here Turlough, and I'm very impressed at some of the rhymes you've managed to coax out of them - you cheered up a chilly afternoon, thank you!
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you've brught the past into
you've brught the past into the present and created something new, poetry indeed.
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Motherwell is next week's inspiration point.
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Motherwell is next week's inspiration point.
Cambusland never made sense, just aidd it to Motherwell, it's poetry so it''s inspirational not educational.
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Just found this on instagram,
Just found this on instagram, quickly followed by email...loved it, all the better for the pic which was the source of inspiration xx
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you just can't get the staff
you just can't get the staff these days .. shocking
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Enjoyed very much,
Enjoyed very much, particularly
"Bundles of old photographs
Formal poses, no one laughs
Standing upright like flag staffs
Now sun-bleached sepia epitaphs"
which goes with such a liveliness and swing, even though about being about the opposite, made it more poignant.
Also, very glad her lover gave the lady scented phlox :0)
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The trunk seemed to get
The trunk seemed to get bigger and bigger, especially with those table lamps! I too liked particularly the bit Di mentioned of the stiff photographs. You seem to have fun playing around in your spare time with teasing nonsense and rhythm and rhyme! Rhiannon
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That's quite an assortment of
That's quite an assortment of objects and artefacts. You've reminded me of how wonderful it is to discover those keepsakes that have been put away and maybe long forgotton...yet hold a multitude of memories when finally stumbled upon.
Reminded me of going through my mum and dad's attic after they'd died. It's amazing how much we never quite know about our own parents, but learn after they've passed.
Great rhythm and rhyme in this I. P. poem too.
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"Letters postmarked
"Letters postmarked Motherwell"
That line made me laugh. That is a veritable box of tricks. Spare bedlinen and towels is probably where we all are, in reality. Adroitly done and made me smile. Paul :)
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Pick of the Day
Beautiful, inventive, and with a very particular sort of magic. This is our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day! Please do share/retweet if you enjoy it too.
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Congratulations Turlough -
Congratulations Turlough - very well deserved golden cherries. I think it might be a first for anything mentioning Turkish silver nipple clamps
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A fascinating journey through
A fascinating journey through a woman's life in objects, all so skilfully written and rhymed. So much has changed, it's hard to comprehend how differently we would live our youth if we had it all again.
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I 've seen three types boxes in movies, the first the box sent anonomously makes you very rich but if you open it somewhere someone dies, then the other, where the box is cursed, if you open it you get possessed, this one is really scary apparantly the box is indestructable it is wicked and has a mind of itself. And plays a little tune.
Then of course Treasure, opening Pandora's box unleashing all hell on earth. A common motif actually. Apart from that mostly cigarrettes and paying the price buying a box for yourself. No escaping the Box! No one gets out of here alive!
Christmas presents at least that's good! I've got some presents waiting in a box. You might say a Jack in a Box! No pipe I'll smoke no horse I'll joke.
Sorry but story not that great. Electricity problems frustrating but improving! Cheers! Tom
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