The Black Dog
By Tom Brown
- 514 reads
Jet fuel and petrol are ethanol, that is ethyl alcohol. It is highly combustible and surgical alcohol is generally used for disinfecting killing every type of germ.
Also used as food, for drinking alcohol only the concentrations in solution differs, alcohol is usually diluted by water including small amounts other chemicals but other than that it is ethanol, that is petrol. As active ingredient. In essence you are drinking petrol diluted with water.
It has been made since ancient times by fermenting starch, and distillation would then make much stronger drink.
Alcohol has usually less cravings than many other drugs, nicotine and crack cocaine for example can apparently be much worse with cravings but have little physical withdrawals, however alcohol withdrawals can be terrible and horrific they are more like opiates and heroin.
Typically drinking causes disorientation and impaired balance, delayed reaction time, incoherent and slurred speech, as well as aggression and violent behaviour.
Alcohol lowers inhibitions and severely affects judgement. Excessive long term use causes brain damage. Drinking makes you more susceptible to all kinds of other addictions especially for young people. If you are under medication or pregnant you should not drink at all it is very very risky for your baby you don't want that.
A “hangover” is the morning after over-indulgence, which is substance withdrawal with dehydration and low blood sugar, almost everyone has experienced this it is common you could even say it is “normal”.
Typical hangover sickness includes, vomiting and terrific headaches, as well other physical symptoms. Blackouts and memory gaps are a dire warning sign especially as a regular occurrence, and feeling ashamed of your drunken behaviour. Some people have terrible dreams. Also you can develop a kind of “monday sickness” regularly taking time off work.
When becoming more progressed the withdrawals needs a “fix” a small amount of alcohol and swearing “never again” soon forgotten. The drinking now starts getting out of control.
The Black Dog
A very dark mood following drinking and episodes progressively becoming more often and worse. Coined by Winston Churchill this dog from hell comes after a drinking bout.
Then as not drinking further it can last for very long it feels like it will never end and you are helpless delivered to its mercy, lasting for an hour and longer it feels like it will never end the victim just praying for it to leave and to be of sober mind again.
It eventually does pass gradually, by that time you understandably don't want more to drink.
The person is often very unpleasant to others. Antisocial behaviour, cynical, sarcastic with no regard for others' feelings. During an episode commonly in chronic alcoholism typically a person would have isolated himself and would be alone enduring his horrid thoughts of evil.
With time experiences become worse and more frequent the person often is terribly nasty often with family members and friends. I think it could make it a lot worse if one has migraines.
Could it be from withdrawals as well as (mild) alcohol poisoning? The phenomenon is common but seemingly unexplainable. At this stage you could probably be considered alcoholic.
Delirium Tremens (DTs)
The worst by far is Delirium Tremens (DTs) which is hallucinations and free flowing fear, with physical symptoms as severe uncontrolled tremors and craving from withdrawals. Accompanied by unrelenting terror and the most bizarre vivid horrific hallucinations.
Also not uncommon but it sounds really terrible and can last for sleepless days on end. The content seems usually to be some severe horrible religious experience. It is a result of continuous long term hard drinking.
You cannot believe that such a person turns to drink again the stories make your hair stand on end. It is insanity. This must be of your worst substance withdrawals and compares easily with morphine and prescription scheduled pain killers.
Alcoholic Fit
An alcoholic fit is in comparison very rare there are only two people I have personally known who have had an episode but it definitely is real. It looks like an epileptic fit I think and such a case is experienced by everyone as a religious event and manifesting as demonic possession and lasting several hours.
There is perhaps a large element of hysteria. It is caused by acute alcohol poisoning. Typically there is aggression to other people it gets really scary especially if they believe such possession stories, and really it's got no truth it's like epilepsy too and actually looks very similar.
Attitudes and Prevalence
These days society has much less tolerance for drunkenness and drunk behaviour even as seen by the Law, as aggravating circumstance in crime and not of mitigating as in the past. It is also known that alcoholism is inherently a disease, an obsession of the mind and allergy of the body.
It has been proved to be genetic and runs in families, alcoholism is progressive and the only cure is complete abstinence and a daily reprieve.
It does not discriminate in social standing, age or wealth, in some occupations it is an especially serious liability, clergy, practising psychologists medical doctors, accountants policemen professors and teachers. Excessive uncontrollable drinking is a great embarrassment in trusted and highly respected professional and public occupations as well as for employers.
Alcohol plays a role in most motor-vehicle accidents. Often it is used in social context such as functions and parties to “break the ice”, relaxing and lowering inhibitions “mixing” and making friends but it probably does more harm than good.
The W.H.O estimates that worldwide 3 million people a year die of alcohol. The prevalence of alcoholism is well more than 10% with more men than women, this with the assumption of alcoholism as a genetic sickness, and that any given person is either an alcoholic or not, and irrespective of active or not. No-one “becomes” an alcoholic.
It also differs among ethnic groups for instance with very high incidence among native Americans especially in certain traditional groups as well as some indigenous African peoples whereas amongst Chinese people it is rare.
Some religious organisations as in some Christian churches and Islam completely prohibits the use of alcohol and even sometimes in whole countries drinking is against the law, while other mainstream religions are apparently more tolerant like Judaism and sounds like also the Roman Catholic church.
I want to warn young people and teenagers not to go to dance clubs with drinking and drugs and pubs and decadent parties and to rather find real friends and better company in such as school and church activities and outings, nature walks and hobbies for example chess clubs, art classes, attending a proper dance school and even creative writing. Much more building of character. Drinking is dangerous and really is a terrible waste of money.
Have good time, Clean living!
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Sobering! Well to remember
Sobering! Well to remember too that though a little wine might seem good, andd not harmful for one person, someone else might be much more susceptible and easily drawn copying into what his body can't cope with.
I think that some are more genetically dsiposed towards alcoholism, but that other factors play a part in whether it takes hold. Rhiannon
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