In the Bath

By Jane Hyphen
- 2284 reads
I’m always in the bath.
Preferring my reflection
all distorted on the taps.
Preferring the wet water
to the droughty winter air.
I’m friendly with the boiler,
I see eye to eye with the toilet.
And the buffer of the bubbles
form a temporary blockade
to the many many troubles
associated with being anywhere
beyond the refuge of the bath.
I wake up tired, go to bed confused.
I’m only really safe from the world
when almost fully submerged.
As long as the water is hot,
as long as the door is locked.
Nobody knows how I languish,
smiling, topping up the heat,
contemplating my navel,
talking freely to my feet,
having an idea, maybe two.
Anything is possible
from the launchpad of the bath.
Or I just cast myself adrift,
meditate upon the rhythm of a drip.
This endeavour is legitimate.
I cannot be disturbed.
It’s sacred, this abluting,
I’m off grid, I’m in the bath.
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With you all the way in this
With you all the way in this Jane - could not be without a bath in my bathroom!
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Evocative. Reminds of
Evocative. Reminds of 'Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits' which my mother was fond of quoting. Those without baths must find another haven for just stopping off gird if only for a few moments, like sleep. Clear the mind, before taking up the necessary thinking again. Rhiannon
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Great poem Jane. You wouldn't
Great poem Jane. You wouldn't believe how much I miss a bath. We had ours taken out and a shower cubicle put in when I had my hip done. Now I just dream of one day soaking in a bath with some radox...I do love my showers though.
Definitely a refreshing read.
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This poem was perfect for
This poem was perfect for those of us who miss a bath. We swapped our bath for a shower years ago, and now have another one downstairs, so no luxury of a nice soapy bath - nice one Jane.
Dougie Moody
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two ideas are good. maybe the
two ideas are good. maybe the bath gives them feet. shouldn't wonder where they'd find a seat.
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Loved this one, and
Loved this one, and completely agree with you! (Though I wish I saw eye to eye with our boiler, however it is well aware who is boss, and it's not the humans) Now I imagine you brewing up ideas for Parcel for You cocooned in the steam. If the kitchen is the heart of a home, the bathroom must be where the brain is :0)
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You can't beat a bath. It's
You can't beat a bath. It's by far my most welcome and invigorating ritual. I can't do with sitting in it for too long as I get bored very easily once I've shaved and washed everything but it's surprising how many ideas arrive from that warm place. Never a pen handy but a good idea usually lasts long enough to jot the thing down. No pathos in the bathos and warming to read the antics of a fellow bather
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I'm all in!
Bath guy all the way... zone out... fully equipped w/ bubbles, bath salt, candles, got a rubber duck I found over 20yrs ago, surround sound chill music, cool glass of wine & a bath poem to read
To Cool Jane... you have a way of taking some of the most simple therapeutic necessities and poetically crafting a circle of escape moments... in water... in space.. & .. time*
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MY rubber duck, bath buddy....
So Funny Jane......I found mine on a beach covered in oil sludge.... you're right*.. they last for-ever... its like I cant loose it or its some how is bonded to me.... Once I got searched at an airport, it was in my carry on, the security lady looked at me and said "Oh really".... an ufff moment... If theres a vast selection in Holland, I'll check it out, Thx 4 the Tip
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Off the grid in the bath--
Off the grid in the bath-- what a lovely idea---I envy you having a bath - I too have gone the way of the shower but I can remember the oveflowing bubble baths of my youth and off the grid! Soaking in a warm bath is a great place to imagine...
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Brilliant, Jane. :)
Brilliant, Jane. :)
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