By Maxine Jasmin-Green
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“I hate you,” Those are very strong words, is there a stronger way to say it? Loath? Detest? Abhor? Despise?
I was in the office at work, many months ago, it was only myself and a co-worker in there, we got talking about things on the news, then suddenly and without warning he said to me, “I Hate the ……………….” I was shocked and speechless; I didn’t know what to say.
I was Very shocked as he is Such a lovely lad, and Very religious!
He is a different religion to myself. We have enjoyed many discussions with each other and have listened to each other, and learnt things from each other. He is as committed to his religion as I am to mine. He has opened my eyes, and I think I have opened his. I think it is fair to say, he would not move over to my religion, as I would not move over to his.
His Strong words, did get me thinking. What would it be like to move over to his religion? If that were to happen, I could openly like him, say who I hated. I let my mind wonder.
I remember how I was before I became a Christian, I was full of hate for some people, and certain types of people, I made no secret of it, it was natural and normal for me. I even hated countries! Back then stereotyped, I didn’t know or care about.
I let my mind wonder, some more, what would it be like, if I was to join his religion today, for the sole purpose of hating who I want to, and it be completely acceptable, in his religion. For me, that would be my perfect religion, hating openly.
Christianity, the Bible teaches, to, “Turn the other cheek,” That is hard! The Bible teaches, “Love your enemy,” That is Very hard. The Bible teaches, “If someone takes your shirt, give them your coat also,” That too is hard.
The Bible is a great Map for Life, it encourages to make Peace, Love for All, Forgiveness – WOW! That is deep stuff! Really, it is easy to not make peace, it is easy to not forgive. It is easy to hate!
Everyone thinks their religion is the right one, he thinks his is, and I think mine is.
At the end of Time, he and I will know which god it the real God.
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State-sanctioned hate is the
State-sanctioned hate is the worst kind. Whether it is burning witches in the name of religion or setting up death camps to close the doors and murder those mouths that are unworthy of life. Trump is evil for the reason he is filled with hate and loathing of others. I hate Rangers and Tories. I'm sure if there is a God She or He will understand. I quite like the idea of there being a great reckoning at the end of your life. Then no--body would escape justice.
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The media thrives on hate. I
The media thrives on hate. I see more and more people switching off the news, not owning a TV, not buying papers. I got very depressed last year, mostly to do with all the terrors in the Middle East but not limited to just that. I had a friend who would check on me about 3 to 5 times a day, forcing me to stop consuming the news. I think it's partly because of him that I am still around today - it got that bad. There are good people in the world. I do believe love can conquer hate.
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I'm sure if there is a God She or He will understand.
Surely this God would practise what they preach and offer compassion, and love and turn the other cheek regardless of whatever sins may have been committed. Surely that's the point. No one is born evil and we are all a result of our environment. Some might say we really had no choice - we were presented with a situation and behaved the way we did because we behaved the way we did. There is no going back, though regret creates a powerful desire to.
The way I see it, hate is a natural emotional tool for survival, though it usually stems from a lack of a greater perspective. A fuller understanding can reduce hate. When we understand something deeply, we often see its complexity, inspiring empathy, curiosity and compassion.
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