How did the chameleon get on the Christmas Tree?

By Rhiannonw
- 875 reads
What a surprise to see
a chameleon on a little Christmas tree!
She’d read a funny chameleon tale
and played a game with
the toy’s (a gift supplied
long ago by a paper company) tail tied
to a a long string of tinsel
‘Put the tinsel back,’ I asked
before they left.
Two days later I looked up
and, bewildered,
saw sitting aloft
atop the little tree
the chameleon large and soft
still attached to its tinsel
elongated tail.
Was it an
immense red whale
landed from space,
slithering down?:
out of place,
[IP: Unexpected Visitor/s]
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confused little chameleon
Must have been very confusing to the little guy! Somehow I didn't think you get chameleons in Britain (Wales then?) Christmas for us was a bit of a non-event, it was just me and my brother. No problem there.
Hope they don't make too much noise at New Year's so we can sleep! && Nolan
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chameleons as a child
I only remember seeing chameleons as a child the boys next door had one for a pet. Couldn't run away always on the curtains and potplants and so but I the think they must be basically extinct, at least around here. Rather a thing for kids to see, apart from the changing colours for camouflage, they move only very slowly, the eyes move independantly and the exremely long tongue flicked catching smali nsects like frogs too. - food I know some fish do it also - the camo colour changes - maybe like Sole. Something flat kind of fish.
See you x Nolan
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What a surprise that must
What a surprise that must have been Rhiannon! Maybe the person 'putting it back' didn't realise the chameleon wasn't supposed to be attached to the tinsel! A lovely IP response!
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That is a lovely story :0)
That is a lovely story :0) And the photo is BRILLIANT :0) It has a kindness to it, that the chameleon is welcomed onto the tree
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That you didn't notice for a
That you didn't notice for a couple of days shows HOW BRILLIANTLY CHAMELEONS BLEND IN :0)
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"What a surprise to see
"What a surprise to see
a chameleon on a little Christmas tree!"
An unexpected and intriguing story captured so poetically, Rhiannon.
Can't recall a Christmas tale involving a chameleon before.
Yes, blending in, of course.
A lovely read. Adroitly done.
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