Morning Music

By Rhiannonw
- 229 reads
One of my grandmothers lived in a narrow terrace house
with no real front garden,
and the small back garden sloped steeply down
with steps from the house.
The backdoor faced sideways from her kitchen area,
towards her neighbour’s similarly sideways-facing backdoor
and so did the first few steps,
then I think the steps turned down towards the little garden.
So the two back doors looked across at each other.
There was a fence between, but lower.
So the two ladies really could chat across ‘over the fence’
while standing high up on their own doorsteps,
and were actually quite close to each other as they did so..
The story I seem to remember is that
they frequently met thus
greeting each other over their ‘morning music’
of both scraping their (slightly) burnt toast slices.
Post-war you had to be economic!
(Photo: I’m afraid I wasted this slice to get the photo. When I do have toast, I like
it lightly done and buttered while hot!)
[IP: toast]
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Another great IP response -
Another great IP response - thank you Rhiannon, and I hope you gave the toast to the birds? In which case, not a waste at all!
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I'd never heard the phrase
I'd never heard the phrase before you mentioned it. Maybe regional?
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I will remember this, as
I will remember this, as always burning toast :0) I like the term morning music very much, had always thought of teaspoons stirring mugs as like human dawn chorus (only not at dawn)
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I love burnt toast - so long
I love burnt toast - so long as not actually incinerated!
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morning symphony
The title made me think of "morning has broken" with the bird symphonies just before dawn. In the old days we also used to talk with the neigbours like that, over the fence. Now you're to busy anyway still sleeping.
Keep well Rhiannon! Nolan &
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