
Writers Block

Sometimes you just need the proper inspiration...

A Heat of a Thousand Suns

His voice faltered at first then faded off.. He watched her slink closer, carrying her flesh sensuously as some women can. Her face, a bewitching...


I awoke in the Winter night, swaddled in my featherbed. The stars lit my arms through the uncurtained windows and my toes, feet too long for this...


“Fuck that. There’s no way, no way you’d find me doing that. Are you feeling alright? There’s just no way I could devote the rest of my life to...


How can I, not sure who I am, Tolerate in others their failings? I, who would so like to not give a damn, Regardless my penchant for toothless...

Princil's Magic : Ch.8 : (Part 1) Goblins

The Sorceror Aribor, still suffering the loss of the beauty Remzain, observes Guthelm's goblin allies, raping and killing women of the conquered city. Her memory induces him to intervene to protect the women, which is out of character for a Black Sorceror.

Vanishing Trick

This is a short story I wrote eleven years ago. I am re-posting it to see if it has stood the test of time or if it has past its sell-by date. Comments welcomed.

Time Travellers from the 1960's : Ch.12 : The End Of The Dream

While Louise remains disappointed by the world of their future, Ted reminds her that this is the same world they would have been in as they aged. It is their world!

'Love - Hard Boiled'

‘Love - Hard Boiled’ “ H ow about a real breakfast?” she squirmed “ A sk me again when I’ve eaten this one” he replied R arely did they talk with...