Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point

Gold cherry

What's the opposite?

Heavy and light, black and white, hot and cold , young and old, fast and slow, up high , or down below : how many opposites do you know? The giraffe...

Where's the Z?

[This is a rework of a piece I wrote for an IP in 2013] Some like the stress, and mental strategies of chess; but my mother and I liked to dabble in playing scrabble – try for a double …

A damsel who had prayed for a millennium

Once upon a time, there was a pretty, pure and versatile damsel from an aristocratic family. She had a graceful name – Huimei. Her virtue made so...

A very ill-tempered woman

Once upon a time, there was a very ill-tempered woman. She could rage over a silly little thing always. She understood that was wrong. She consulted...
