Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point

The Start Of Another Day: Chapter III

This is a collection of interesting thoughts and opinions that might change your perspective on life. It is a uniquely written philosophy book that also tackles certain aspects of personal development through the changes that a young man experienced throughout one year. One of the more interesting topics of this book involve good and bad(free will), handling emotions, relationships with people, the true meaning of understanding and most importantly, your well-being. As an Algerian author influenced by western culture, I also incorporated some ideas that are quite common in my country giving you a chance to view certain aspects of the North African mentality and life style. This is my first take at writing a fully-fledged book so I would love to hear your views and criticism of it.

The Start Of Another Day: Chapter I

This is a collection of interesting thoughts and opinions that might change your perspective on life. It is a uniquely written philosophy book that also tackles certain aspects of personal development through the changes that a young man experienced throughout one year. One of the more interesting topics of this book involve good and bad(free will), handling emotions, relationships with people, the true meaning of understanding and most importantly, your well-being. As an Algerian author influenced by western culture, I also incorporated some ideas that are quite common in my country giving you a chance to view certain aspects of the North African mentality and life style. This is my first take at writing a fully-fledged book so I would love to hear your views and criticism of it.
Gold cherry
Poem of the week

Memories Of You I Keep

In memory of Seta, Honey and Misty, my three late cats who gave me so much pleasure during the 1990s. End of day became feline precious eyes gleaming...

One of my father’s carvings

Relaxation from a desk job, one of his hobbies was carving. I think the occasion for this one was probably his parents golden wedding anniversary...
