Some Man's Work

As she sleeps

Well, she was sleeping and i was sat beside her. a bit of artistic liscence and here it is, another one.

Beauty's own deceiver we,

Beauty's Own Deceiver We,

Better things to do

I have better thbings to do thatn exist here

Bitter-sweet the mood that takes

Bitter-sweet that mood that takes me, floating on winds that make me fear

Breathe Deep In The Darkness

Er, i have not got a clue bout thisone. Midnight after falluing out of bed. Bad Dream.


morning light so dim and uninspiring no fuel to a night of writing fuel to other fires

Raise Your Eyes

Raise your Eys to see me here

Tell Me What I Am

tell me what you see,

Hope, Pray, Know

When you need her there when you cry, and realise its her making you cry, cry harder. when you hear that she is crying too, and you know its you making her cry, stop crying.

Walk with Me?

If I hold out my hand, will you take it and walk a while with me?