Home Read Write Forums Blogs Larry and Mick Eat Some Cheese By pepsoidTue, 08 Aug 2006 1333 reads 'Edam or Red Leicester?' said Larry. 'I don't want none of that poncey cheese!' said Mick. 'Pass the Gorgonzola!' Larry and Mick ate some cheese. [ fin ] Certificate UStoryTales of Larry and MickHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
Larry and Mick Eat Some Cheese By pepsoidTue, 08 Aug 2006 1333 reads 'Edam or Red Leicester?' said Larry. 'I don't want none of that poncey cheese!' said Mick. 'Pass the Gorgonzola!' Larry and Mick ate some cheese. [ fin ] Certificate UStoryTales of Larry and MickHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments