'I Don't Know What Goes on in your Head, Sometimes.'

By Ewan
Fri, 31 Oct 2008
- 1860 reads
Remember the Beezer? Some geezer,
had a group of little men
living in his head.
I found it chilling, head filling
with busy activity.
The unheard voices
metaphored the synapse jumping gaps.
Electrical pulses riding
the neuron axon on
action potential, a puff essential
crossing to chemical receptors.
A brain can contain
five hundred trillion. Bet you a million
that's no less fantastic
than the Numskulls.
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I loved the Numskulls - I
I loved the Numskulls - I still think my head works like that! The only other person I know that believes this is Steve Bell, the Guardian cartoonist, with whom I once spent a very funny train journey discussing the Numskulls.
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I love this. Excellent. I
Permalink Submitted by onemorething on
I love this. Excellent. I like how all the words sound...lovely, well put together piece.
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