Learn and Play with Brother's Bear - Seasons
By GerryBJ
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The Brother’s Bear come out to play,
With a run and a jump and a skip,
But what are they going to play today,
Come on brothers, tell us quick.
Today they are going to play seasons,
That seems an interesting game,
And off they go to have some fun,
Let’s go and do the same.
Brother Joe says, ‘Here is summer,
We like this season a lot.
We get to wear T-shirts and short pants
Because the sun is lovely and hot.
We often go the seaside,
We swim in the sea and play on the sand,
We build all kind of sandcastles,
Using buckets and spades and our hands.’
‘Summer’s a time I love also’-
Says Mark, ‘All those yummy things to eat.
Every day is a taste sensation,
Every day there’s a tasty new treat.
Like Ice cream, ice poles and ice lollies.
Like berries of red, purple and blue,
All those wonderful flavours,
All kinds to crunch, swallow and chew”.
Now shortly after summer has ended,
The season of autumn comes around,
When green leaves turn brown and golden,
And they gently fall to the ground.
There are no more sticky hot days,
The slight breeze is now a strong wind,
Bushes seem bushy no longer,
The petals of flowers have thinned.
‘There are still lots of fun to be had though,’
Says Jo as he takes Mark by the hand,
‘There’s conkers and pine combs to play with,
Fallen from tree’s they’re all over the land.
It’s a time when plump juicy apples,
Decorate all apple trees-
Let’s collect them, and then we shall eat them,
There are some for you and some for me’.
Next along is the season of winter,
Wrap up warm before you dare go outside,
The stronger wind blows so cold now,
All animals take cover and hide.
Some spend winter months curled up sleeping-
Some go where the weather is warm,
Leaving behind cold ears and cold noses,
Leaving behind blistering storms.
‘But winter is also a fun time’
Says Mark, ‘Because of the snow,
We love to make snowmen and angels.’
‘I love snowball fights’ Says Jo.
‘Winter drinks are my favourite’ Mark continues,
‘I really love those a lot’
Agrees Jo ‘Like marshmallows in cocoa,
Mummy gives it to us piping hot’.
Spring time brings lots of spring showers,
Spring time brings flowers so bright,
Spring is a time of new beginnings,
Of colours, of beauty, of light.
Spring sees all the animals returning,
Running through grass now so green,
This is a sight that’s so lovely,
Like out of a wonderful dream.
Joe says, ‘Even though that’s quite lovely,
The thing about spring I love best,
Is jumping in all of those puddles,
Wearing boots I make such a mess.
And I put on my bright yellow raincoat
And rain hat and run through the rain.’
Says Mark, ‘It’s really a fun thing to do,
It makes for a really fun game’.
And so there are all the four seasons,
The Brother’s Bear find each one such fun,
There is not one that is their favourite,
They truly love each and every one.
And now both brothers are tired,
It’s been a very active day,
Though they want you to join them,
The next time they return to learn and play.
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'And I put on my bright
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Yes, might well work then,
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