Olympic Fever
By mcscraic
- 534 reads
Welcome to London , its twenty twelve time .
History has just crossed over the line .
Gold medals for the fastest , the strongest ,
And all those who have endured the longest .
Among all the flags and smiles we are one ,
Within the flame all the world has become ,
Competitors in a peaceful coming
Every man and every woman
From every nation on earth to play .
Hoping that gold medals will come their way .
Every athlete is a believer ,
One spirit ,
its an Olympic fever .
On this earth we are seven billion souls ,
Each of us unique in our different roles
Here we go its Olympic Fever time .
Everything is put down on the line .
Our pride runs high , you can feel the heartbeat .
Its great watching every country compete .
Its fair play that drives the girls and the boys .
It’s a time to dream , a time to make noise .
It’s fever time and feel part of it all
The Olympians have come to stand tall .
Catch the fever and be part of the crowd .
Its happening in London , it makes us proud ,
The future hopes have ignited the flames
Here in the thirtieth Olympic games .
By Paul McCann
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