Always Read the Label

By Silver Spun Sand
Wed, 10 Dec 2014
- 2635 reads
In between his cornflakes and his toast,
he looks at me – says he thinks
he’s bipolar.
Why’s that? I ask, trying to stay calm.
His mood swings, he says;
one minute, he’s up, the next –
feeling really depressed.
Tell him it’s probably hormonal;
seeing as he’s seventeen.
Tell him to bide his time before
he labels himself anything...
speaking of which – read out loud
words on a small, pink sticker
on the hem of his new T shirt.
Made in the Philippines;
smile to myself recalling that sojourn;
where he was conceived,
right enough.
Composition, Ninety percent
cotton, six-percent Lyrca – four percent,
Miscellaneous Fibres.
Seemed he was quite a mixed bag;
more to him than met the eye.
On reflection – a bit like me,
and most everyone else.
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really liked this, and...
really liked this, and esp. the thing with the clothes tag.
as a minature story I'd say it might work eqally well in ordinary prose, but i guess if writing in lines is what you are used to....
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2 Users voted this as great feedback
Hello sand lady.
Hello sand lady.
A late dip into your tales (login probs) and what a delight to read this knitted yarn.
A proper jumper I say whatever the label tells you
ps When are you to be seen wearing the Christina Tiara ?
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