Samanta, Our tears never dried

By pkroutray
- 279 reads
Samanta, Our tears never dried
P K Routray
Never graduated, the best graduate,
never aged a teenager aging with his classmate.
never parted the Alma-mater her alumnus the best,
never completed his books with no page left for the test,
to all grieving companions, he is Srinivas, the blest
who continues to haunt many for their life, the rest.
Intriguing remained his deeds, justified or erred in haste.
since five decades to find his logic, wanders my quest.
A frail teenager with the sprouting beard
timid look, rustic gait and posture feared
apprehensions aplenty, fortitude infinite
passionate to rise with the sky as the limit
on 1st July 1965 - for all of us a memorable day
began Samant along with us his five years’ stay
at our Alma-mater to shape his destiny
to the need of his parents and well-wishers many.
Thus started our voyage ahead together
with awful exposure to seniors’ torture
the tradition we never violated to nurture
through funny acts of whims as a senior is the master.
In both roles, to each other, we keenly have seen
Samant’s in particular dance in my memory screen
humbly enacting the order as a fresher,
ruthlessly enforcing it as a senior, the master.
The obscene of the scenes by a fresher
at the behest of Samanta’s stern order
though ineffable, in me still flutter
The fresher now retired from a top managerial post
with a reputation of a hard taskmaster to the most.
Samant’ philosophy “Ragging makes a fresher tough
after all, life is not a bed of roses, it is always rough..”
But later as a student only that he failed to withstand.
He proved “Preaching and practice differ in their stand.
His meteoric rise after his entry in the college
no brickbat, nor backbiting could damage.
nor his extracurricular acts could dampen
rather they all aided him, his tenacity, to sharpen.
To his misfortune and to my good fortune
I observed closely his logics beyond human
as his roommate, laboratory mate for a year.
His never faltered tenacity with purpose, I revere.
Practicing problems from my book when I am asleep
he awed me by his love for all branches as true and deep.
Till his last, in table tennis as opponent and partner
over T T Board we spent time playing against each other.
But regret I, at me with my displeasure
as always in past, of my victory, I was sure
last game I did not mind losing him with the blunder
but never came again the opportunity to replay
that I still long to repeat the feat of losing with joy.
Alas! I hear from the graveyard Samant telling “No”
as always he wanted true battle and fair show.
With him over two years of my close association,
many chats, incidents Samant at the center in me, run.
His class notes revealed his power of concentration,
his classroom sincerity, to teachers his dedication
as those were sufficient, better than any preparation
Repent I as they were not reserved for an exhibition.
As his laboratory partner
I have seen his expression of anguish and anger
when absurd is the experimental figure.
He used to break the instruments for the error.
Frenzied deeds indeed but he has a point to offer.
To our wonder
worth to reflect and plunder
as Memento, our souvenir
on us,a parting reminder
exhibits Srinivas and Sashi lying over each other
as if the best graduateship is being handed over
It is not a by chance the big bang theory of creation
but each has a purpose so that cosmos moves on
Samant had to go at a young age, Sashi at his age
we kick on with our grandkids waiting for our voyage.
if the Hindu philosophy is true
Where will be the souls of our friends two?
Recollect I with a fond memory
Samant’s philosophy and his theory.
on friends repeating examinations
on their way to get through to graduation
“None will marry a failure
wretched will be their future.”
But Murty’s success story
proves wrong Srinivas theory
pushing me to ponder over
the underlying tone of our scripture
on wisdom, deeds, and success
too difficult was Samant to assess
On one life or on one birth or many
to divinity and great Rishis acting funny.
The sensation on my elbow
proudly all these years I see and show
not for touching the scarf of a girl of the junior section
but on it, Ssamant’s subsequent kisses of passion
His run on a challenge to kiss an unknown girl
many such incidents with his fun and frolic in me, swirl.
His last appeal to me, for some time to spare
that his drooping spirit he can take care
sweating overplaying table tennis for an hour or so
agreed readily by me that I reflect and thank the Lord now
As the final examination was drawing nigh
with subjects forgotten memories dry
after reading and rereading with their scanty effect
sleep, worries anxieties apprehensions did affect.
Thus also complained he on his sleepless nights
in spite of doctors’ treatment and his helpless fights
that I ignored then as the effect of load of the course
which like every year would ease out by our mental force
Hey Srinivas!
With you, I want to converse
heart to heart as we did often
before I book my mortal coffin
I want to apprise you, what happened after you
on the happenings and my limited view
After you departed all on a sudden
all in alma-mater were crestfallen
Principal, Professors, staff and students
mourned for you and pitied your parents.
Shocked were your parents and kith and kin
after months with them, you would have been
earning handsomely to fill their need to exist
with pride of your chair highlighted in their list
that they waited long five years
but the news brought blood in their tears.
Over the days, months and years
everything the scythe of time blears.
So also blurred you barring from your parents’ duo
lived they their wretched life with tears’ flow.
On our classmates, I must touch upon
as they frequented in our earlier discussions
some went for job, some for higher education
all with the ultimate purpose of materialistic possessions
some were capable to add name and fame to remunerations
but at this threshold of exit thus is my conclusion
nothing more, nothing better than man common
running after happiness peace and bliss
that really all of them did miss
mislead by materialistic pleasure
recording their misdeeds in His Ledger.
None even there could reach at the materialistic height
Only the Lord can name those whose deeds were right.
We all served ourselves first then only to a sector
by our likes and dislikes with wisdom under the blur
Mayadhar, Ashoka are trying at the spiritual sector
Did you foresee it and thus avoided commuting the blunder?
Look at our fifty years’ contribution
that everywhere harm the creation.
Whatever we took over from our ascendant
wretched we made them for our descendant
with global warming, carbon deposit
dry rivers, dwindled forests, water deficit.
Being the best among us, did you perceive it?
At this exit hour, our failure to you I admit.
Let me go out of a divine discussion with divinity
listen to how we lived all these years spanning over fifty.
Through assignments to earn our bread and butter
with spouses and then expanded the family to look after
with a new society, new peers and own weal and woes
passed we our fifty years and to our end we are close.
For their heavenly abode, forty friends have left us
each of them are in our prayer as friend ponderous.
Some of the rest have forgotten the teenager bondage
They are tied only to their own family with own lineage.
Rest with their spouses sing and dance often together.
The reminiscence of college days repeated with pleasure.
A sea change in the physical frame
in your classmates whomsoever you name.
Their lush black hairs have turned grey
color they hairs to keep old age at bay
or have vanished from the root making scalp barren
making it an Indian tabla for their grandchildren.
The teeth once breaking bones are broken from the bone
the joints thrilled to jump and hop now with pain moan
Limbs are limping and some seek for donor
some lost their spouses, some are still a bachelor.
An ocean change in emotional characters of many
so close so friendly in college days now act funny.
Some refuse to recognize
as for them, forgetfulness bring them the prize
as fickle friends cause injury to their social status
call we them we psyche nervous.
but wish we them the best
after all they are friends sharing the same vest.”
Since fifty years
haunt me his facial features
pale with pathos
begging goodbye from us
acknowledging his failure
to battle the earthly struggle any longer.
he left no spouse to cry
no progeny and grandkids to sigh
kith and kin and friends
forgot him passing through numerous bends
Alas! Samant is left forlorn.
Samant never mourn
you at heart we adorn
you are a genius born.
We pray for you
life after life it will continue
for peace and bliss to your soul
and to merge with the ultimate and Whole.
(N . B - Srinivas samanta was our classmate wef 1965 to 1970. He was topper all previous four years and tipped to be the best graduate. He committed suicide just a few months before final examinations. I t is in his memory. Sashi cited in the poem became the best graduate but has expired in mystic circumstances,)
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