Being part of an eternal ‘building'
By Rhiannonw
- 539 reads
[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundays series]
“I’ll build my church: it will not fail,
the wiles of hell will not prevail.”
It will for ever stand complete,
satanic schemes will know defeat.
He’ll build it well of living stones,
each made to fit the neighbouring ones,
supporting, each one different, so
with various skills his will they’ll do.
Not just a pile of rolling stones,
a church, a body – Jesus hones,
refines, directs us, sanctifies:
we work together, praises rise.
If one believer goes it ‘lone’,
the wall is weakened where a ‘stone’
has left a hole – and those nearby
lack help on which they could rely.
Tune: LM eg ‘Church Triumphant’ by James Elliott
Matthew 16:18 Jesus said, ‘I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.’
1 Peter 2:5 ‘You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.’
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I'm working on the building
I'm working on the building
It's a true foundation
I'm holding up the blood-stained
Banner for my lord
Well I never get tired of working on the building
I'm going up to heaven to get my reward
This is an old gospel song I know by Elvis Presley, it is a cheerful song and with beautiful rhythm.
Have a good week Rhiannon! Tom
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