Home Read Write Forums Blogs Rubbles in Babble By mcscraicThu, 14 Jan 2021 148 reads ., Rubbles In Babble By Paul McCann Almighty God by spoken tongues expression defies logic, toil and trouble and boil and babble. Down falls rubble as pride falls down . Our mystery of interpretation . The tongues spoken were strange, but not were they mad - No, drunk they were not. Confused and lost were they and understood nobody. (and in reverse) Nobody understood, and they were lost and confused . Not were they drunk, no. Mad they were not, but strange were spoken tongues . The interpretation of mystery . Our downfalls pride, as rubble falls down. Babble and boil and trouble and toil . Logic defies expression . Tongues spoken by almighty God . .Footnote - Mirror Loop Sructure The structure of this poem is written so that the poem can be read from the beginning to end ,and then back again from it’s end to the beginning. Certificate UPoempoemsbypaulmccannSpiritual Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
Rubbles in Babble By mcscraicThu, 14 Jan 2021 148 reads ., Rubbles In Babble By Paul McCann Almighty God by spoken tongues expression defies logic, toil and trouble and boil and babble. Down falls rubble as pride falls down . Our mystery of interpretation . The tongues spoken were strange, but not were they mad - No, drunk they were not. Confused and lost were they and understood nobody. (and in reverse) Nobody understood, and they were lost and confused . Not were they drunk, no. Mad they were not, but strange were spoken tongues . The interpretation of mystery . Our downfalls pride, as rubble falls down. Babble and boil and trouble and toil . Logic defies expression . Tongues spoken by almighty God . .Footnote - Mirror Loop Sructure The structure of this poem is written so that the poem can be read from the beginning to end ,and then back again from it’s end to the beginning. Certificate UPoempoemsbypaulmccannSpiritual Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments