Stephen Fry on Modern Poetry: A grumpy posh man or does he have a point?

Did anyone see Stephen Fry's attack on the state of modern poetry?,6903,1593317,00.html

In his new book, 'The Ode Less Travelled', he produces an example of 'modern poetry' written by him and the criticises it:

"cigaretted and drinked

loaded against yourself

you seem so yes bold


but nuded and afterloved

you are not so strong

are you

after all

Perfect Day

So... you get to do whatever you like today - what would it be?

Good Casting, Bad Casting?

Who else watched 'A Very Social Secretary'?

Bernard Hill was brilliant as Sheffield's very own delta blues singer, Blind Boy Blunkett, BUT most of the others were bloody awful. I mean HOW could they cast an attractive woman as 'letterbox gob' Cherie Blair? And 'Boris' was hopeless too. Rory Bremner would have been a better choice to play Tone as well.

It would be interesting to get Blunkett's account of the shagging scene, I bet it wasn't as good as they portrayed it. They didn't even use the dog to point him in the right direction!

How to get a response..

...from the police.

I got this in an email today. They said it was a real situation that transpired recently. Well i may be or not, but it certainly has a ring of truth about it.

...Fred Phillips of Meridian, Mississippi was going up to bed when his wife told him that he'd left the light on in the garden shed, which she could see from the bedroom window.

Fred opened the back door to go turn off the light but saw that there were people in the shed stealing things.

He phoned the police, who asked, "Is someone in your house?", to which he replied, 'No'.

The new James Bond is...

Daniel Craig.

He played the part of Ted Hughes in the film 'Sylvia,' he looks a bit craggy and has too much of an East European look for me to play the part, but he has excellent film resume so far...maybe he's too good an actor for the role.

Shur Shawn was my fav Bond..closely followed by Woody Allen.

What it is to be a Good Person.

Strange how it feels natural to go all A.A. Milne when writing 'Good Person' and start capitalising everything, maybe it's because there is such a fuss made over the whole concept.

Anyway, if someone could be so kind as to define what it is that consitiutes being a 'Good Person', I'll consider it and decide if it's something I want to be.

Many thanks

