Whats that you reading dear? by Pepsoid

Absolutely HILARIOUS! i just laughed my head off, and I'm gona come and live in your house, if I get bloody fired for it!!

Thank you very much for that!



Tesco = Trashco

Just logging in to deny the ugly rumour that I'd died.

I do however have a problem in as much as my Broadband connection went AWOL on Monday of last week and the twats still haven't sorted it out.

Normal service will be resumed asap.

Worst time to be cherry picked!

Thanks for the cherry, i really was pleased, it being my first one. I happened to open abctales during a difficult moment yesturday as i didnt know what else to do. My pedegree puppy had just been stolen from our factory estate in New Addington, Croydon. Id just seen video footage of him being snatched, and as you can imagine i was devastated.

We are going to do all we can to get him back today. We think he has been taken by someone local who will try to sell him on. There is a substantial reward for any person that brings him back to his owners.

Pain Is... by Lisa Hinsley


TV/films can sometimes hit you with an issue, or emotions from the past, which you weren't prepared to deal with... Clearly expressed here by Lisa.


Anyone near sheffield?


I'm up there on the 23rd, for the "off the shelf" festival, performing for the first time outside london....

come along :-)


So teaching RE is, like, really cool.

I am knackered, but enjoying the whole thing. The problems I thought I'd have, I don't. The problems I never thought would be problems, I do.

I am preparing a worksheet on Hindu pilgrimage and enjoying myself a bit too much. I like the school I've been sent to.

I never have any time to myself, but that's okay. The best thing about RE is that it a lesson that gives pupils a chance to talk about their opinions on hot topics and listen to others. Is quite exciting.

Did I mention I was really tired?

How is everybody?

Styx's Mad Maxims.

A Colt 45 beats 4 aces.
(These aren't meant to lead to huge discussions-but I can't stop you all: but mad maxims appreciated.) Why can't we have a blogging forum our Tone?

Changing day by Camus

Brilliant poem! 10/10


It sounds so familiar, not the poem that is, but definitly the situation.

Absolutly love this:

'Crumpled mornings,
Too easy to dream.
Stains of fierce moments,
Your time has now been'.

Have you been reading my mind?

Keep up the good work!

