Do you?

By Deliberately Evolving
Sat, 12 Nov 2016
- 3454 reads
My mind is wearing thin.
Memories seem to fade to nothing
and I cling...
cling to little repeated clips:
Evening light fading to the sound of laughter,
paints a happy pattern on luscious red lips.
Icy snow, feathery and soft as down,
falls on rosy noses as we lay
backs on the ground,
getting cold in our pyjamas, making angels....
Picture fading...
Why can't I remember anything?
left with the everyday, mundane;
Birthmark on my foot, splodgy pink flowers,
colouring purple in the cold,
Lines around my eyes I try to hide,
betray my age,
my brother noticed, said I looked old.
Closet looks like an explosion,
(won't ask for help, hate you touching my things).
I sit on my bed drinking
merlot from a mug thinking
I ought to learn to play my silent ukulele
then forget
when I remember what you said....
"I. Hate. Her."
I heard you.
You thought I didn't but I did
and though my mind is wearing thin
and I can't seem to remember anything,
I remember that.
It made me feel like crap.
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I really loved this. I had
Permalink Submitted by sean mcnulty on
I really loved this. I had to read it aloud after reading it in me head.
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1 User voted this as great feedback
there's a lot of pain here,
there's a lot of pain here, brimmng and overflowing words that stain our minds and we have no refrain, because, to be honest, we do the same cruel things again and again.
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Pick of the Day
This works for me.Must have been a ghreat workshop.
It's Pick of the Day.
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I love this, fantasitcally
I love this, fantasitcally personal and intriguing.
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