The Story of the Traveling Android Scenes 5&6
By dermott2
- 744 reads
Scene 5
Place: The Planet
Setting: As the Old Man returns to his story, the scene has faded back to the tree on the Planet of St. Patrick. The two parties have returned from their explorations. Everyone is looking at the tree. The Old Man’s voice is narrating.
Old Man’s Voice: After the Captain and Science Officer Clark returned with their parties, they were all amazed by the tree and the message on the tombstone.)
Captain: Clark can you get a reading on this tree and the tombstone?
Old Man’s Voice: Science Officer Clark pulled out a scanner and waved it around the tree, and the tombstone. Then he looked down into a hand held screen.
Clark: All my data shows that this a fruit tree, just like any other fruit tree. Nothing special. It is approximately twenty years old. And the tombstone is just a rock.
Captain: That’s amazing! The tree was not here before we left, how can it be twenty years old?
Clark: May opinion is that the inhabitants on this planet have the power of illusion. We can only see what they permit us to see. The tree may have been here the whole time.
Lt. Rachel: But Captain, Crewman Tucker and myself saw the tree sprout from the ground and grow.
Clark: This may just be an illusion.
Captain: I tend to believe Science Officers Clark’s theory. Still there is the message that is written on the tombstone. This could be some type of test, to see if we can be trusted. Rachel and Clark do you agree?
Clark: Agree Captain.
Lt. Ronald: I agree sir.
Captain: It has been a long day, let’s take a eight-hour rest. I just wonder if it always dark on this planet?
Clark: Who knows, but the bright green sand gives off plenty of light.
(The scene fades and now Tucker is lying in his tent.)
Old Man’s Voice: As I lay inside my tent, I could not sleep. My mind was on that tree and the beautiful fruit it bare. The craving became more than I could take, but I laid still for several hours, making sure everyone was asleep. Finally I got up out of my tent and walked up to the tree. I placed my hand on a piece of fruit and pulled it from the branch. As I have already said, they looked like big blue berries, but felt like a banana, and tasted like a coconut that had been sweetened. I had never tasted anything so good, and ate three more. Then I ran back to my tent...
(The Waiter interrupts, and the scene goes back to the apartment)
Waiter: And by eating the fruit, your body became an android.
Old Man: Please, you are jumping ahead, for there is much more to this story.
Waiter: Excuse me sir, I just got excited, please continue.
Scene 6
(The scene goes back to the Planet of St. Patrick.)
Old Man’s Voice: The next morning, I crawled out my tent and found that everyone was up. They all stood motionless around the tree. When I saw what had happened, fear ran through my veins. The leaves and fruit were gone. The branches were bare. When I got a closer look, I saw the tree had rotted. Then I noticed the tombstone had a new message. BEWARE! THE FRUIT HAS BEEN PULLED! THE GUILTY ONE MUST PAY! Finally the Captain spoke out.
Captain: Who is the guilty one?
Old Man: Everyone was quite. Then Captain pulled the pistol from his side.
Captain: I want the guilty one to come forward! If not, you all under arrest.
Clark: Captain, how do we know it wasn’t you that pulled the fruit?
Captain: How I dare you!
Clark: What is the difference? You blame one of us!
Lt. Racel: Please! Stop this! It is best we go back to the ship and leave this planet.
Clark: I agree
Old Man‘s Voice: Before anything else was said, a new message appeared on the tombstone. THE GUILTY ONES HANDS WILL BE BLUE! I looked at the palms of my hands and they had been stained blue by the fruit. When I looked up, all eyes were upon me.
Lt. Racel: Oh! Tucker how could you have done this?
Tucker: I don’t know what made me do it.
Captain: Tucker! You have put the lives of your crew in great danger. When we return to the ship, you will be put in a holding cell. When we get back to Earth, you will face the military court.
Tucker: Yes sir.
Clark: Captain, Lt. Racelis right. We should leave this place as soon as possible.
Captain: I agree, okay everyone. Back to the ship.
Old Man‘s Voice: After everything was packed and we were about to leave. Another message appeared on the tombstone. THE GUILTY ONE STAYS! THE OTHERS DEPART!
Lt. Rachel: Captain no! We cannot leave Tucker here.
Clark: Captain, we do not know the powers of these beings. It’s best one die instead of the whole crew.
Captain: I agree.
Old Man‘s Voice: Lt.Racel embraced me and cried. My fellow’s crewmembers patted me on the back. The Captain and Science Officer Clark did not say a word. I watched them, until they were completely out of sight. When I was all-alone the message on the tombstone changed again. It only said, WALK!
(Show’s Tucker walking down the path as he tells the story. The scene fades and come back.)
Old Man: So I began to walk down the path made of black stone. It wasn’t long until I saw the ship in the sky, leaving the planet. Then something happen that made me fall to the ground and weep. The ship exploded. The Captain, the woman I loved, and my fellow crewmembers were dead. I was the only one who lived, the guilty one.
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