By delapruch
- 425 reads
dear figurehead of the empire
whose puppet strings are pulled by the moneyed interests of the
world &
not just one nation,
how transparent can one be,
how audacious,
when demanding that all people across the periphery
submit to the will of this pretend
had anyone asked if the empire had no sway in the
asian pacific?
hasn’t the big long erect american penis stretched itself beyond all
do you think that china, who holds the purse strings is at all
intimidated by your penis?
if china pulls its funds will your dick go limp &
will you end up having to actually deal with the people
exploding inside your borders
growing more angry every day &
waiting to strangle the throats of the greedy vultures who
still sit atop their thrones
embedded in the buildings on
wall st.?
were the aussies getting out of hand,
is that it?
too much foster’s beer & koala petting going on,
so the big bad brother had to step in?
mr. figurehead, do you see what is happening in your
do you really think we need to be spending more money on
just how many dirty bloody hands did you have to shake on the
way up the ladder?
how many guns are to your head, demanding that you act so rash
as to assert that “The United States is a Pacific power---and we are
here to stay?”
so many questions &
so few answers---
such is the american way.
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