transparency (another puppet in the puppet show)
By delapruch
- 473 reads
when mr. hope & change ran for leader of the empire,
he filled those so desperate
with hopes that were ungrounded,
if not completely false---
for if you walk like a politician &
you talk like a politician,
far be it for this writer to doubt that you are anything but a
one who in this country that is decrepit, desecrated & drowning in debt,
has sold the very inner core of themselves to the
bloodiest & dirtiest hands,
on the way up the ladder,
either forgetting or simply denying that when you get to the
you will have to pay up,
that you will have to remember all those disgusting hands that helped you to your
pinnacle of power,
so as to perpetuate the system of corruption &
keep those that are running things happy---
one more excerpt in mr. hope’s CV came today
when his disciples sent forth the story of iran’s
alleged hiring
of a mexican drug cartel to kill off the
ambassador from saudi arabia---
saying that a military solution is not off the table
but ever so graciously saying that the empire will deal with this with
with mr. carney (mr. change’s prime tool)
speaking at a press conference
hinting to us american people that
“for a long time the iranian economy is not growing”---
if that remark was true, one wonders why that is?
could it be that no country in the region is allowed to think their own
thoughts without submitting the whole of their will to the
and perhaps because the US wants to strangle iran & then suck the oil right out of the land
without paying the people who actually live there a cent?
now mr. change & co. have begun to spread their own poorly woven
a la mr. bush’s WMD’s,
in order to dominate the region completely,
so that the empire can go on using the world’s natural resources within its own
remember how mr. change prided himself on his administration’s
remember how he assured the peasants in the empire that his
administration would be nothing like the past 8 years when he came to the
how transparent this leader’s transparency is,
another puppet in the puppet show.
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