Ghost Boy
By EnigmaticAura
- 517 reads
Some people live life barely noticed, or unnoticed all together. This is the life of the lonely, the unloved, and the unseen. This was the life of Ghost Boy. The childhood of Ghost Boy was unknown; no one had the chance to ask. He was a man of the ripe age of 21, his hair was dark as the obsidian night sky, and his eyes were the cold gray of a cloudy day. Each tooth was that of a polished pearl that shined brilliantly on the rare occasion a smile was seen. He attended college and was present at every class right on time, sitting in the same exact seat every day. His life beyond college was unknown even the whereabouts of his home.
Lyra was the exact opposite of Ghost Boy; she was one of the more popular girls on campus and was noticed by everyone. Her soft green eyes mesmerized everyone that gazed into them, her soft brown hair would dance as the wind blew, and her smile was that of the sun beaming warm rays of love at whomever she smiled at. Her personality was always that of a caring person and one that enjoyed having fun. Lyra was a girl that a guy wanted to cherish forever.
Lyra always sat next to Ghost Boy during class and wanted to get to know him, only because he was so enigmatic but he always seemed to disappear after class. She asked about him but no one knew his name or where he stayed. After a few weeks of classes a word still was not passed between them, nor a glance. But Lyra could see his gray eyes observing his surroundings taking everything in, yet he didn’t utter even the most infinitesimal sound. Determined to be the first to crack him, Lyra, mustered up the courage to say hello. His only response was a small smile and a nod. It seemed apparent that he didn’t want to talk so she left him alone for the rest of the class.
One of Lyra’s friends had heard her speak to him and told all of her friends. Soon after class Lyra had a group of people around her inquiring on the “conversation” they were all disappointed by the way it went. They convinced her to try to get him to talk but at the same time they thought it impossible. Now, unknowingly, Ghost Boy was being watch by a handful of curious people.
Lyra was nervous even before she opened the door to the classroom, she had never been afraid to talk to a person so why him? She gradually made her way to her seat; Ghost Boy was already in his.
“Hey” Lyra said trying to avoid eye contact. Still the only response was a simple nod and in indiscernible smile. “So, my name’s Lyra, what’s yours?” he in return gave her a quizzical look and gave her the response she and others were waiting for.
“Daniel Sharp.” His voice was clear and calm. The way he talked didn’t give the impression that he was shy at all which was surprising to Lyra. She was about to ask him if he wanted to go get something to eat after class but figure it was a too much just yet. She amazed her friends and others didn’t believe her even when others had seen and heard. That night she searched on the internet for the obscure Daniel Sharp, but found nothing. No MySpace, facebook, no nothing. She went to bed wondering, longing to know more about the unknown.
Daniel returned home that night pondering the happenings of the day and remembered Lyra. The name stuck in his head. She was the first to notice him, or the first to care to try to talk with him. He had trusted people before, only to be burned in the end. Think of it brought back waves of bad memories, ones he had tried to forget time and time again. Yet Lyra seemed different, it was like she actually cared. It had been a while since he had talked with someone, he figured himself to just be a lone star. The figured he might, just might, give her a shot.
Daniel arrived at class early that day to give him extra time to get situation and such. He had just gotten comfortable when Lyra walked in. He smiled at her when she sat down; she smiled back but had a surprised look on her face. “Hey Lyra, how are you this morning?”
“I’m...good thanks…… are you?” Lyra could barely speak, and the others around her sat speechless.
“What are you doing after class? I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out. I don’t know maybe grab something to eat.” Daniel was kicking himself the whole time knowing that this was going to be a mistake.
“Sure, does Nicole’s sound good?”
“I love that place. So I can meet you there or I can drive you, your pick.” Lyra thought that she would have a better chance of getting to know him better if she drove there with him. He didn’t seem like the psycho killer type.
“Um, I’ll ride there with you.”
Both Lyra and Daniel fidgeted in their seats for the rest of class. The time seemed to stop as both of them anticipated their dinner. The professor was speaking but neither heard a word he said.
After class had finally ended Lyra turned around to talk to Daniel but was surprised to see he had already left. She thought that he had backed out which disappointed her but she figured he was just too nervous. She too after all was nervous. As she exited the room she felt a light tap on the shoulder and immediately her spirits were lifted. There was Daniel waiting to escort her to his c ar. The night was warm and had a small breeze that wisped through the air brushing against their cheeks. He had a black convertible mustang so Lyra figured he was well off.
“Would you like the top up or down? I know some people are concerned about their hair.”
“Hmm, the considerate type.” Lyra though “Down if you don’t mind I like to look at the stars and they seem rather bright tonight.”
The ride over to the restaurant was awkward to say the least, neither of them spoke much. Daniel kept his eyes on the road, and Lyra let the wind blow through her hair. The two warmed up at the restaurant maybe it was the cheerful atmosphere, who knows. But the two sat down to a well cooked meal and engaged in small chatter.
After dinner they returned to the car but Daniel didn’t start it. Instead he reclined and stared up into the night sky. His gray eyes were filled with wonder. Lyra figured she would try to talk some more since they obviously weren’t about to go anywhere.
“You know, no one really knows much about you. It’s like you’re a Ghost Boy.”
“Ghost Boy eh? So that’s what you all call it.” Daniel said with a grin. “I prefer to observe instead of mingling”
“But even after class you usually just disappear. Like where do you go?”
“I usually go home, or out somewhere peaceful where I can be to myself.” Daniel replied with a shrug.
“Don’t you have any friends? I mean…” Lyra had just embarrassed herself by asking that. “What I mean to say is, don’t you have anyone you like to hang out with?”
“Haha, it’s alright. No, I’m used to being a loner, always have been. I figured I’d try “hanging out” and you seemed like a good candidate.”
“Oh? Why me?” Lyra inquired with bewilderment.
“Well, because you were the first to try to talk to me I guess. And there’s something different about you.”
“Really what’s that?”
“Heh, never mind.” Daniel laughed.
“So where are you from?”
“This little town called Myrrhvile. I’m not even sure if it exists anymore.” Daniel said with an edge of bitterness.
“Hmm, I’ve never heard of it. I’m from Stratham New Hampshire.”
“That’s cool.”
“You ever play any sports?”
“I liked lacrosse and football, but never had a chance to really play on a team. How about you?”
“Haha, I tried soccer but it didn’t work out. So what are your parents like?” Immediately after the question the demeanor of Daniel changed completely. It was like a dark veil came over him and he became withdrawn. Lyra could tell she had asked a question that brought back terrible memories. Memories that should not be touched.
“It’s getting late, I think we should go.” With that Daniel cranked the car and began driving her home. The night had changed to cold and still. Lyra could see the pain in his eyes and she could help but wonder what happened.
Lyra was nervous about seeing him in class the following day. Questions kept whirring through her mind. Would he talk to her again? Was he mad at her? What could have happened? There he was same seat as always.
“Hey Daniel? I’m sorry about last night. I didn’t”
“It’s alright. I had a great time we should do it again some time.” It was a great relief to Lyra that he wasn’t upset.
After time progress the two got closer and were always seen together. Others tried to get close to him as well, he was friendly towards them but they did not succeed in their goals. He was content with Lyra. Lyra was all he needed. Daniel had changed from not needing anyone, to having Lyra on his mind. There were many times when he wanted to be more than just friends but was scared to ruin their friend ship. So instead he thought it best just to be friends.
Then one night everything changed for Daniel. At a theater the two were watching a movie that was intended to be a good date movie. The movie actually proved to be good surprisingly. During the middle of the movie Daniel felt the warmth of a soft hand slide underneath his. He held tightly to it and instantly there was that connection. After the movie the two just walked the in the city enjoying each other. Their walks were the one thing they both looked forward to. It was a chance to talk to someone and have that person really listen.
A year and a half later they were still together. Daniel began to zone out during classes and the teacher would occasionally grab his attention back only to lose him again. Daniel had a huge decision to make, one that kept him up at night, and one that he was scared to make. After class that day Lyra come up to him and gave him the warmest hug and he gazed into her eyes. It was then he knew his decision, it was clear as day in her eyes, those soft green eyes.
That night Daniel visited the jeweler to pick out an engagement ring. He finally found the perfect one. A heart shaped diamond with smaller diamonds surrounding it; the ring itself was shiny platinum. It was perfect of her. He decided to get a message engraved on it, one only meant for her. The ring was perfect now all he had to do was find the way to ask her. He figured dinner would be great.
The two had dinner at a rather elegant restaurant and all went well. The two were laughing and having a grandiose time. Lyra could tell he had something on his mind.
“What’s on your mind?”
“Lyra, I’ve been wanting to ask you something.”
“Yes? What is it?”
“Ah, never mind I’ll ask some other time.”
“Oh, okay.”
A few days passed and then Daniel mustered up the courage to ask her. When Daniel saw her, he wished he hadn’t, she was getting out of the car of some other guy. Daniel remembered all the times she had said she loved him. They were all lies. Everything was a lie. Thunder clapped in the distance and the fog began to thickly roll in. Lyra kissed the guy good night and turned and saw Daniel as he dropped a small black box. Daniel turned and disappeared into the fog like a ghost, leaving the box behind. She called to him, his name reverberated back to her but there was no response. Lyra picked up the small box. On top it said “To Lyra”. She opened the box and fell to her knees. Inside the box was a diamond ring which had a small inscription on the band. “Diamonds aren’t forever their beauty fades, but my love for you is infinite.”
The lightning and thunder boomed once more and the heavens cracked open unleashing a heavy down pour. Lyra sat there holding the ring. The large droplets bounce off the diamonds and shiny platinum. But all she saw was that little inscription.
This was the story of Daniel Sharp. After that no one saw him after that. Nor could he be found. Lyra searched to no avail, the seat next to her remained empty. It was as though he disappeared. But in truth he had gone nowhere at all. He had just become the Ghost Boy again. He was invisible. He was unloved, unwanted, unnoticed forever more…. I am…The Ghost Boy.
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