The last of Lurgin 7/7

By Geoffrey
- 1129 reads
Jack was getting really worried. It seemed that Clarence was quite serious about not letting him return home. He’d felt very hungry and thirsty, so Clarence had opened a tin of meat for him but one taste was enough.
"Ugh, that's horrible. It tastes like catfood!"
"Absolutely correct old chap, the very best there is," replied Clarence.
Nor was there any water in the cave.
"I always drink from the river just down the hill," said Clarence. "You're quite welcome to go whenever you like but do make sure you come back quickly. Have you any idea how far a dragon can breathe fire?"
Clarence duly demonstrated. Jack shuddered and went down for his drink, making sure that Clarence could see him as he slowly climbed back up the hill. Just before he went back inside the cave, he looked round the countryside.
"Oh crumbs, now I'm seeing things. Clarence" called Jack, "either I'm hallucinating from lack of food, or there's two witches coming here flying on a broomstick."
"Rather unusual old chap," said Clarence as he came out of his cave to see what Jack was talking about. "Perhaps it's something to do with you."
Jack was rather relieved to see that the passenger on the broom was Jennifer Jane. She ran up to him. "I'm so pleased to see you're all right Uncle Jack. I'm afraid Forget-me-not got into a muddle at the Wish Warehouse and sent you here by mistake."
Jack had no idea what she was talking about but he was very happy to see a familiar face. "Do you think you can get me back home? Clarence says he won't ever let me go and I'm to stay here and help him catalogue his treasure."
Meanwhile, Abigail had been talking to Clarence and now she walked over to Jack and Jennifer Jane.
"I think it's quite simple and Clarence agrees with me. We can't let Jack go home knowing that the fairy folk and dragons still exist. We have a standard procedure for the rare occasions this sort of thing happens. Jack will forget all that's happened after he went to the magic clearing near Jennifer Jane's home. We'll fly him back there and he'll think he's only just arrived."
"That sound fine to me," said Jack, who was only too pleased to think that he wouldn't have to live with a dragon and eat catfood for the rest of his life, even though it did mean not being able to see lots of interesting antiques.
"Would I be able to keep these drawings? And please don't make me forget until we've flown on your broom. I always wished I could fly on a broom when I was a lad."
Abigail laughed. “Agreed," she said and wiggled her fingers.
Jennifer Jane couldn't see that anything had happened as a result of the wiggle but they all climbed onto the broomstick anyway.
"Cheerio old chap," said Clarence. "I'm sure we would have got on splendidly but Abigail says you should return home and I suppose it's for the best."
He waved a wing as the broom rose into the air and then turned and walked back into his cave.
Abigail flew slowly back to the wood at the end of Jennifer Jane's garden. Jack was quite excited and kept pointing out various landmarks on the way. Jennifer Jane could see why he wasn't going to be allowed to remember the day's events, because he almost certainly knew where Clarence lived. At last they completed their journey and landed in the woodland clearing near her home.
"You stand just there, Jennifer Jane," said Abigail "and Jack, go down that path a little way."
They both did as they were told.
"See you soon, Jennifer Jane," said Abigail as she flew off, "I've got to go and sort out the Wish Warehouse now."
Jack came running into the clearing.
"Oh good," he said, "I've caught you up. Look what I found among some old papers at the museum. You remember that crown you borrowed? Well, here's a drawing of it, labelled 'King John's crown'. It's a bit delicate because it's been drawn in charcoal on parchment but I think it proves that your collector friend had the genuine article.
Jennifer Jane looked at the drawings. "The titles are all in Latin," she said.
"Oh yes, of course. That was the universal language for scholars in those days. Look, here's a drawing of the ceremonial robes."
Jennifer Jane realised that Abigail must have changed the writing on Jack's drawings, as well as making him forget that he'd drawn them himself.
"This one's a little fanciful, I'm afraid but it is an early pictorial reference to the King Arthur legend. The artist has drawn a sword and it's certainly the correct type for the period. I wonder if it really was Excalibur?"
They walked back to Jennifer Jane's house, Jack enthusiastically showing off his pictures.
"I see you found her," said Dave as they went into the house.
"I just had to show her first but look at these drawings I found at the Museum."
The two men were soon deep in conversation, discussing the historical accuracy of the drawings.
"I see the men are enjoying themselves," said Mary. "Did you have a nice day?"
"Yes, thank you," said Jennifer Jane. "I went to visit a friend and then met Jack in the woods and he's been showing me the drawings he's just found."
She didn't realise it, but she'd completely forgotten having nearly been eaten by a Troll.
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Know, only to well, what you
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Yes, another good story. On
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