The Party 5/5

By Geoffrey
- 933 reads
A moment later, Jennifer Jane ran out of the wood. "Here I am," she called.
Everyone looked round and applauded.
"Very good presentation," said all the fairy folk, who of course knew that it was real magic and that all the arm waving and magic words were just for show.
Mary and Dave were most impressed. "It's no wonder your friends are able to help you so much," said Dave. "If they can do tricks like that without any stage props, I should think they could do almost anything."
"Food's ready," called Mary and gave everyone a paper cup and plate, while Dave started serving out the lovely things he'd been grilling on the barbecues. The Giant was ladling out drinks from a large bowl into the cups which people held out to him and they all started chatting amongst themselves.
Jennifer Jane moved around, talking to all her friends and every one of them said what a lovely party it was and how kind her Mother and Father were to invite them all.
Dave stood up on one of the tables and made a short speech, thanking everyone for helping Jennifer Jane so often and for coming to the party so that he and his wife could meet them all.
"I must also thank the Clerk of the Weather for the lovely day we've had," he said, pointing to the Clerk of the Weather. Everyone applauded politely. Dave was a bit surprised because he thought he'd made a joke but of course everyone else, except for Mary, knew it was true.
"And now, as it's beginning to get dark and I'm sure the younger ones will soon have to go home, I want to try a little magic of my own." He picked up his wizard's hat, put it on and then spread his arms in exactly the same way that Abigail had.
Everyone smiled politely and the witches all looked at each other and wondered what on earth he was going to do. Dave brought his hands round and clapped them together. "Abra cadabra," he shouted. Immediately coloured lights lit up prettily all round the garden. Everyone applauded and cheered as loudly as they could and Dave got down from the table looking very pleased with himself.
Jennifer Jane looked round and saw Mum rejoining the party from the house. Of course, she'd gone there to wait for Dad's signal when he started his speech and had turned the lights on when he shouted the 'magic' word.
That seemed to signal the end of the party and people started going up to Jennifer Jane's parents and making their excuses to leave.
"Toodle pip, old chap," said Clarence, "must fly, Megan and I have a long way to go."
"Goodbye, Megan," said Dave, "you're off back to Wales, I suppose" and he gave a little laugh.
"Where else?" said Clarence seriously, "chin, chin"
"Nos da, Dai bach," said Megan and the two dragons walked off into the wood.
"They are realistic, aren't they," said Dave "and such a good idea to have a Welsh speaking red dragon. How on earth the two people in each of those outfits managed to keep it up all evening, I'll never know. Next time you meet one of them, ask him how he did his fire breathing trick."
Jennifer Jane knew the answer to that one already but she didn't think her Dad would ever believe her.
Abigail was the last to leave. Just before she disappeared into the trees, she turned round and waved goodbye. "Have a good night's sleep," she called, "pleasant dreams."
Jennifer Jane was pretty sure she had wiggled her fingers just the tiniest bit as she waved.
And of course she had and they did.
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Liked the ending. Now on 2
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