
By jennifer
- 1274 reads
Jennifer Pickup 04.04.2024
I always believed in the old wives’ tales,
Blamed them for every one of my life fails:
You didn’t perform the ritual dance,
You should never have left it up to chance.
I’ve a notebook filled with four-leaf clover,
I used to find them over and over,
And dotted around is my collection
Of Evil Eyes to provide protection.
But life’s lessons have left me so jaded,
My desire for self-control has faded,
I last crossed my heart a fair few years back,
I’m still alive – what do you make of that?
It would bring such incredible relief,
To Iet go of all this crazy belief,
To blow out candles and share my wishes –
Yes, to live a life less superstitious.
I start off small by standing on a crack,
I hope that the pavement has got my back!
Now I’ve started, there will be no stopping –
Wherever there’s wood, I won’t be knocking.
Next, I’m putting umbrellas up inside –
In my rebellion, I’m taking pride!
I’ve been bound by magic for far too long –
This mutiny, it makes me feel so strong!
I’m leaving salt to lie now where it spills,
Walking under ladders to get my thrills,
I’m not saying ‘Bless You’ when people sneeze…
It’s been a while since I’ve been on my knees.
I throw my caution to the winds of change,
This kind of freedom feels so very strange!
Things are escalating out of control –
I feel a lightness growing in my soul!
I roasted a chicken the other day,
But the wishbone was simply thrown away,
And on the table, I have cleared some space,
So that my new shoes can take pride of place!
I’m leaving pennies for others to find,
Upturned horseshoes never trouble my mind,
And if a black cat intersects my way,
I will simply smile, wishing them ‘Good day!’
But there is a boundary I can’t break –
When I think about it, I start to quake,
The evidence tells me it will be fine…
I knew there’d be a place to draw the line!
Mirrors, mirrors, they are everywhere,
Shining so silver with their evil stare!
I look into them and know I’m not free:
Superstition still has its hold on me!
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I'm with you Jenny. Today I'm
I'm with you Jenny. Today I'm going to cancel our appliance insurance, but then, what if, when I do, the washing machine breaks down, or the dishwasher....oh dear
Dougie Moody
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Ah yes...all that
Ah yes...all that superstition finally rejected but the bottomless terror of mirrors still holds sway. There's a rhythm and energy that drives the poem as it tells its story with a quickening pace and a dramatic finale. Very nicely done.
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It doesn't sound as if you're
It doesn't sound as if you're quite all the way there yet if you're still saluting magpies Jennifer! : )
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Perhaps a better word would
Perhaps a better word would be careful, rather than superstitious.
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