UNM : The Not Yet God
By Mangone
- 983 reads
I asked one of the Buddhi about God and he told me that God is still in the process of becoming...
The people of Earth argue about which is the true God because they don’t realise that their prophets are all interpreting what they see through their own experience. A true prophet communicates with the Divine through a sub conscious connection and, as with dreams, how the sub conscious communicates with the conscious is not always rational and yet a rational interpretation is required by those who follow the prophet.
I thought at first he was saying that there was NOT a God and prophets were simply people who had a conscious connection with the collective unconscious but who interpreted what they perceived from the collective through an interpretation matrix based on their beliefs.
As usual I hadn’t grasped it.
He explained that there is a God, but not here… not yet!
What we mean by God is not yet complete in our physical Universe but
He IS in other, to us non material, Universes…
perhaps what we might refer to as 'in the spirit'.
These other Universes are not connected in a linear causal manner and so the God of our future is accessible to Himself in the spirit universes but not to us because we are part of the causal progression that we call time...
So in a way, God knows where He's going but He still has to get there!
A simplified explanation is that God is continually growing as he masters dimension after dimension.
Until God masters a dimension then it is like a spirit world to Him in that it is a shifting realm of possibilities waiting to be finalised.
It is almost exactly the opposite for us (beings whose perceptions are based in the dimension in which God is becoming) in that for us, it is the other dimensions which are vague and shifting possibilities.
Well, that’s as simple as it gets.
However, it should be fairly obvious from the above that God is our Universe but the Universe is not God - but it is OF God.
That what we could call the spirit of God is slowly mastering the complexities of form which will, eventually, evolve into another aspect of Him.
To us, we can see this process as Evolution but we miss the big picture and only see it as an evolution of life on Earth rather than seeing it as an evolution of our whole Universe.
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