Assisted Suicide.

By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 424 reads
I don't listen to the news, nor do I watch the news, but like everyone else this week, no one could escape the topic of the week, assisted suicide.
I went sent a text with a link to give my vote against it. I didn't vote, but I shared it on social media for others to vote if they wanted to, or for them to discuss the topic with their friends.
A close family member also sent me the same link too.
A friend of mine, he said to me this week, after I had told him about my Mum and her Carers, he said, "I would NEVER let anyone care for me, never," He went on, "I would take a pill and kill myself!" I have known him for a long time, and I knew he meant it.
Another man that I know died a few days ago, from a very fast acting cancer, that he only had for five months, he had a horrible, slow, painful death! None of us, know the pain he felt, we were not in his shoes. Maybe he would have wanted it, I don't know.
There is nothing worse than physical pain! I don't know what my view is on the subject, for to have cancer and knowing that you are going to die, and while the person is awake, they are in the worst pain ever, where morphine, will make them sleepy, but when they wake up, the horrible pain is still there.
I think, if someone is in their right mind, and going to die anyway.....
Rest in Peace J.
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"Compassion" can be mistaken.
"Compassion" can be mistaken. Understanding of others' situation can be shown later to be incomplete, their concerns changeable. End-of-life care and spport has improved tremendously. Doctors' vocation and concern has always been to help the living. Asking them to positively bring forward death at a particular time is a huge burden to place on them. Difficult, and very difficult times have been seen by many later to have been of use to themselves and/or others.
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Personally I am for it, but in the country I live in
I am free to make that choice.
And all I know is: at my age, I would not want to go through another course of chemo (it would probably kill me anyway)
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That is well argued. Agree
That is well argued. Agree with you about the pain. I read a book about the Romans. Had not realised that in their time people did not want to die of old age, or from sickness. For them, a "Good Death" was as important as a "Good Life". How you died, the impression you gave, how your death was remembered, that really mattered. Now, people are kept alive even when all life has to offer is pain, humiliation, despair. I don't want to be gnawed away by pain so I cannot think of anything else, not my son or anything beautiful. I can't see how that helps anyone - I will not be his Mum like that. I feel that if more resources were put into pain medication and palliative care, than on lengthening the end of life, which is actually the time taken to die, that would be a good thing
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