Gobbles Has Gone Awol
By peterelbee
- 222 reads
A Dialog only story featuring Billy, Sasha and thier father
“Any sign of Gobbles, Daddy?”
“I’m afraid not, Sasha.”
“He’s probably in someone’s oven.”
“Don’t think like that, Billy. We’ll find him again. You’ll see.”
“I hope not. He’s a savage monster and good riddance to him,”
“I thought you liked Gobbles, Billy.”
“I hated him. He pecked my bottom hard, and it really hurt.”
“Serves you right for throwing stones at him.”
“Shut up Sasha, you crawly snitch!”
“Did you throw stones at Gobbles, Billy? ”
"Well, yeah, but...”
“That was cruel and naughty.”
“He was being cruel and naughty to me.”
“Two wrongs don’t make a right."
“Two Wrights made an airplane.”
“Don’t be facetious.”
“I don’t even know what that means. You told us we could choose a pet, to replace Boston. I said I wanted another puppy dog, Sasha wanted a turkey. You promised me the dog, but Sasha packed a sad, so we got the turkey instead; cuz my feelings don’t really matter.”
“Your feelings are important to Mum and me.”
“Then, why didn’t you get the dog?”
“We can’t always get our own way in life. Was that why you threw stones; because Gobbles was a turkey and not a dog?”
“I was angry that no one bothered to ask how I felt; about being cheated.”
“You felt unappreciated?”
“We never meant to hurt your feelings.”
“Well, ya did.”
“Sorry. I do love you, with all my heart and so does Mummy.”
“Ewww, don't make me hurl chunks. Let’s cut the mushy stuff, and get on with how we’re gonna get Gobbles back?”
“You're all heart, Sasha.”
“All heart and no turkey. I’ve got friends coming round for Gobbles birthday party tomorrow ”
“Oh no, not another hen and turkey party.”
“You’re not invited anyway. No snotty little boys allowed.”
“Oh yeah, I’ve got friends coming over too. No icky girls loud. We’re going to eat Turkey sandwiches and throw stones at your ugly wart-faced friends.”
“Okay, settle down you two or you’ll both get a timeout. Sasha’s right, we need to organize a search strategy. Gobbles’ a member of this family and we owe it to him to make sure he is okay.”
“If we don’t find him, can we get a puppy dog instead?”
“I’m sure we’ll find him.”
“I already thought of a cool name for him; Barkis. You know, from David Copperfield.”
“I suppose that would be to bluff your friends into thinking you’re well read, or something? You only watched it once on TV; and fell asleep half way through.”
“I was resting my eyes.”
“Who was Barkis then?”
“A man willing to do whatever it took, to get something that needed doing, done.”
“If we get a dog I’m calling dibs on first pats.”
“I'm going to feed all your stupid My Little Pony ponies to it.
“Quit teasing your little sister, Billy. We'll talk about dogs later. Right now let’s concentrate on turkeys.”
“I don’t want that stupid bird, I wanna puppy-dog!”“Any sign of Gobbles, Daddy?”
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