Innocent wisdom
By pkroutray
- 271 reads
Innocent wisdom
P K Routray
Here is a story of a little girl with her faith in her lesson
to illustrate with unflinching faith in Him we can fear none.
Goes daily to her school on walk a little gal
at times alone and at times playing with her pal.
Once thunder and lightning besmeared the sky,
worried was her mother as if she heard daughter’s cry.
Rushed she with her car in hurry to fetch her daughter
either from the school or from the street, while praying for her,
On the way found she her, walking, looking up at the sky with smile,
composed and fearless was she even while the climate was so hostile.
Astonished mother asked the child what caused her to smile,.
replied the little girl reminding her teachings, looking up for a while.
“You taught me to be fearless, as to the fearless children God blesses with wonder
I am not afraid of thunder as from above He is protecting me and taking my picture.
to navigate me, many snaps He has taken with His flash lights on
I am looking at His camera and searching Him, where He has gone?”
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