Khira Bhai - A man unique

By pkroutray
- 744 reads
Khira Bhai - A man unique
An ever agile dynamic man lies motionless
He is a unique man of values and success.
Alas! He is none other but our Khira bhai, dear to all
he has left us for good at Heaven’s call.
Khirabhai! Pray you, we to break your slumber
get down from Sargdwar to heaven, the ladder.
Piteously cry, your loving offspring
unaware they are what ills mundane worlds bring
protected you, them, from all miseries all these years
Cry they crushing their chests with terrifying tears.
Yes! Khirod Paul is no more
All who knew cried from their hearts’ core.
The tragic message sped in lightning speed
wounding all acquaintances’ hearts to bleed
His kith and kin, far and near
his students adorning every sphere
the societies around, he loved and served
all were stunned and harassingly unnerved.
To his students, the loss of a loving teacher revered
to the society loss of a man of values adored
to the common public, the loss of a man of success
as he excelled in every sphere, they could well guess
To his kith and kin, the loss of a divine figure
who stood by them in need as a god-gifted father.
Khirabhai has his own style
with furtive smile
Physique graceful and sweet
his simplicity none can beat
nonsmoker nonalcoholic
Betel chewing was not his habit basic
having sweet tongue
never a word slips, wrong.
Philanthropic in attitude
honest at unparalleled magnitude.
Hats off to his daily routine
over and above this to assist the public he was kin.
Remained busy from early morning to late night
as per him for a worldly man work is his right.
From cows to plants and creepers
his touch of love everywhere glitters
Teaching students in the classroom tirelessly
on personal coaching, to success, he gave them key.
As a real Guru, he gives them benign wisdom
His all-out efforts in all spheres are awesome
on call from far distant relations
without fail, he lives up to their expectations
Born and brought up
in a rural setup
as a village boy
Khirabhai could not enjoy
a ride other than on a bullock cart
but could cope with Calcutta with a modern cast.
Without a mathematical background
in physics his contribution is phenomenal and sky-bound
Perhaps he is a unique person out of a billion
without school mathematics as a subject of option
in a highly mathematical subject
in physics, he proved to be adept
turned as a professor of the subject in a university
in the career of thirty-five years, he proved his ability.
In the choice of profession
he was superb in his decision
He chose to be a teacher
to shape the nation’s character
Guided him in every sphere, the Hindu epics
Guru is on par with the lord and learned this basic
A guru is worshipped everywhere
Drona sat on par with Bhisma in an equal chair.
His love for his home state
none can debate
from choosing a profession
to marry a girl being an obedient son.
In life, he adapted to all circumstances
overcoming all perilous impedances
travelling from Village Kurtang to Chowdwar town
Shifting to Calcutta an alien land for his educational crown
A muffsoli boy from a remote village
maddening modern city Calcutta he dealt with courage.
In his golden jubilee wedding year
we lost our Bharati dei his spouse dear.
yes as a man is mortal, the separation is a must
no couple can stay forever together on the earth’s crust
The survivor has to tolerate the pang of separation
Here Khira bhai had to endure the burden
He survived hiding his pain of love for his wife
the memories must have tortured him in the rest of his life.
Now Lord while driving us to miseries of misfortune
Arraged at Heaven Bhararti dei and khira bhai’s union.
Hey Khir bhai! Look we with nostalgia your earthly role
unique you are when your life we scroll
your near and far kith and kin
overwhelmed by your love benign
shed tears piteously nonstop
as at their hearts you top
Man is mortal
but you remained immortal
by your deeds words and smile
graceful appearances and simple style
Thousands of your students adore you
you are the best professor in each one's view.
Enduring pains physical and emotional
hide them successfully your smile mystical.
Hey Khirabhai you are no more
with tears from swollen eye, we pray from the heart’s core
to Lord to rest your soul in peace and bliss
your fading foot dusts out of reverence we all kiss
your inborn talent, hard work, sincerity, and love for all
keep you in our hearts forever standing tall
P K Routray
in the service of the Lord
( N , B Khirod Paul my co-brother-in-law left for his heavenly abode on 8th Jan 2025. It is a tribute to him
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