Management embraces
By pkroutray
- 520 reads
Management Embraces
P K Routray
An embarrassment
termed in the parlance of management
as the theory of ninety and ten percent
puzzle the man, the most intelligent.
Applying this theory on the earth’s human segment
befitting as it is to delineate the human plight at present
here are a few statements
for readers to muse and comment.
Ninety percent of the earth’s resources are spent
by the privileged few limiting to ten percent
emptying at faster pace its resources at present
leaving the future generation to starve and lament.
All professionals and professions now are meant
to serve only the affording fortunate ten percent
A chemo, a heart surgery or a kidney replacement
is beyond the reach of under privileged ninety percent.
In air, water and on land for faster movement
colossal amount of energy and time are spent
to improve and invent.
Benefits it only to ten percent
but it does nver dent
to the life of rest ninety percent
unfortunate and so called undeveloped segment.
In any field men innovate and invent
the beneficiaries are only ten per cent.
To encompass the rest ninety percent
time span and resources available are not sufficient.
Rather it ccreates a ten percent out of existing ten percent
Multiply they to become only one percent
creating an awful scenario of ninety nine percent and one percent
worsening further the scenario of ninety percent to ten percent
pushing the creation to chaos and the end point.
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